Menands, NY
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
Social Link:
No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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I suppose I should start this with a little about myself. I'm not 100% though by any standards I'm pretty green still. I first got my CDL through a company sponsorship 8 years ago, made some dumb rookie mistakes I won't go into (I doubt I would've made them if I had known of this website), got fired, and didn't renew my license. I worked several dead end jobs, got married, had kids, ect. Now I'm on social security from an accident I had ten years ago and because disability pay crap I've been looking for a job with little luck, so here I am at the end of my ropes and I figure why not I apply through driver's solutions and get a job. My DM told me I wouldn't be able to find another job in the truck industry when I was fired eight years ago. Either way here we are today and I take my DOT physical next week and ship for school around the end of August. I'm very exited to be going out on the road again and plan on documenting my journey through trucking truth. Until next time, keep 'em sunny side up and greasy side down.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Going in again
The best advice I can give you about the work history is to be honest. Put disabled down for that gap in your employment history and list some of the work you did before that as well. Most important will be your background check for accidents and citations. Depending on the state you live in you should qualify for grants based on income and also reeducation grants from your local rehab office. I choose a company sponsored school but you should be able to get into a private school no problem.