Tucson, AZ
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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I finish my 4 weeks of training with Knight and I was asked after my road test what kind of truck I wanted. I requested a Volvo automatic because LA traffic stinks. I was given a 2016 Volvo Automatic within a day, so I think most companies will try to honor your requests. I'm thinking of moving to Reefer and I was told they would try to give me the same truck.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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2016 Volvo 670 fridge location question?
This is my first post on trucking truth, however I wanted to give my driving experience for a few weeks. I have been driving solo for Knight Transportation Solo now for 3 weeks and I love it. A few things first I was able to pick my own truck model and transmission, due to being able to finish my training time a week early my DM gave me a new Volvo. I hear drivers complaining about not getting miles, but being a rookie the last 3 weeks i averaged about 2700 - 3100 miles, my best advice is the squeaky wheel gets the grease. The following week I was welcomed to a phone call from the shop about installing an inverter in my truck and it would only take an hour to my surprise that was not far from the truth about 1 hr 10 mins but I was ok with that. So my question is in my company 670 I want to install a fridge and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. I was thinking of possibly making a stand and putting it on the shelf and bolting it down behind the drivers seat or on the floor.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Tips, Tricks, And Techniques For Rookie Drivers
My rookie tip it really sucks moving the tandems 1 or 2 holes you could be going back and forth all day. I decided to use the head of my hammer place it in the hold after the one you want to stop in them back or pull up you hear it hit then get out lock the tandems and your all done. Side note go slow because you might cut the head off your hammer if you're in a rush. Lol