Utica, MI
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Sounds like a great fit for you Troy!
Thanks for the reply.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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What's a good company to start out with?
WOW! What a read!! And I agree with Old School, G-Town and Brett on attitude and relationships.I know a good relationship can go a long way with management! I am not qualified to comment on the trucking side of their replies but I bet they are correct. I hope I didn't **** anyone off! I shouldn't have it's like only my 3rd reply on this forum!
Here is some more food for thought... If two people buy a car at the same dealership and one person gets a lemon. That person is going to tell a bunch of people that the dealership he bought his car from sucks! That person may even stand outside the dealership telling customers or potential customers that this dealership sucks! While the other person will more then likely only tell 2-3 people that they bought a "Good" car from so and so dealership!
Just my 2 cents
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Mine is 19 weeks, however I'm only going weekends. That way i can keep my job until i get close to being done then then i will give my notice. I think longer is better in my opinion. I truly want to prosper in this career change.
Stacie That is the type of school I would need to go to! Something on the weekends and company sponsored... I'm not sure if there are any out there tho??? I live in Michigan if anybody knows please chime in!
Thank You
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Well day 5 and week 1 came to an end. I feel very prepared for the learners permit test on Tuesday. Once that's complete we can focus on some real practical learning . We also had our first company come for a visit, Gypsum Express. Pretty interesting presentation, and a place that I could see myself driving for. They did have a few negatives however, such as no tuition reimbursement, so I'll have to see what others offer. Still it's nice to know we are all wanted for the most part!
Next week I'll start a new blog and call them NTTS WEEK NUMBER 2 (and so on) from here on out (hopefully that's acceptable Brett?)
Anyway look for my continuation next week and have a great weekend!
Hi Troy I am considering a career change into the Trucking business (Driver). I am kind of confused about when you said that Gypsum did not offer tuition reimbursement. I do understand Company sponsored training but I thought you are already in a training class? Sorry for the newbie question. Keep the post comming!!
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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What's a good company to start out with?
Thanks G-Town! I will read the links you sugested. I will start my own post and see if what I am looking for even exist. Thanks Again