Profile For DatGuyCole

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    Jackson, MS

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    Company Driver In Training

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    8 years, 6 months ago

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Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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1St load ever!! I'm a trucker Now (Prime)

Thanks everyone I appreciate the uplifting words and encouragement.

Jim J I'm from MS I need to be headed your direction.

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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1St load ever!! I'm a trucker Now (Prime)

OK OK OK I'm not a trucker yet. But it felt good to get my first miles behind me to see what I looked forward too.

Just think a week ago I had just got to prime and never driven ever. Now I'm on the open road shifting gears like I was trucker in my past life.

I catch on to things easy but this was something I thought would take time and give me hell. It didn't at all. By no means am I perfect but I am comfortable in the seat and I think that counts for something.

Sleeping at my first truck stop toni g t here in OKC while writing this and I can't sleep for excitement but I know I have to go soon just wanted to share my progress. TTYL Datguycole out

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Have orientation invite to prime.

Yea they are right I just did my psd 1st week this past week and it DOES NOT transfer. Good luck tho I just finished my first day of driving to a deliver a load. TALK ABOUT A RUSH

Posted:  8 years, 5 months ago

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Got My Invite To Prime

1st week is coming to a end. I passed everything and received my badge. Now on to the fun part actually getting behind the wheel.

Posted:  8 years, 5 months ago

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Got My Invite To Prime

It's official!!!! I have been invited to prime orientation starting Monday. I leave in 12 hours and I can't sleep from being anxious and excited. The hardest things were verifying my work history because company's are using third parties and charging now. I have packed 3 times and I'm sure I will still forget something lol.

Just wanted to come share my excitement. Thanks to everyone that have responded to my earlier threads.

S/O to Rainy D especially!!!

Posted:  8 years, 5 months ago

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Don't let the 5 CPM fool you. I have the condo and get a bigger fuel bonus and more miles than my friend in a LW....hence I make more money. Learn to amange your time and either way you will be good ;)



Thanks Rainy D. Ive read your thread and it's been very helpful. I know it's pushing it but what about color and choice of manual/automatic do they go that far in option choices ?????


Hahhahha. Now that IS pushing it. Upgrades get either new LW or condos that were turned in by lease ops. Mine had 225k miles on it and had been jack knifed and in the shop for months. TA and prime gave me copies of all maintenance when I asked for it. And the truck is GREAT never gives me problems.

No offence but I suggest you worry more about training than the truck. Unless you lease you get what they give you. And I do NOT recommend leasing for a newbie. And I mean That sincerely. By the time you go solo you won't really care what you are given.. It will be like.. "Get me off that team training truck" lol the lack of privacy got to me.

As far as auto or stick... The new trucks coming in are auto. My friend got his LW in Feb with only 20 miles on it. I think he got a lemon cause it was in the shop a lot. It was a stick. However they just gave him a 2016 automatic condo. It takes some getting used to apparently.

Prime has a walk away lease so newbies often get trucks that someone had a couple months or even a couple years. They also have different lease options where you can lease the balance of the first persons lease. it is possible to have a truck that was leased new by one driver... Then turned in a year later then leased for a few months by another driver. A condo could have been a team truck and run constantly. You just don't know what you are getting. They hand you a paper with a truck number and say here is your truck go find it. They don't even tell you the color lol.

I will say this... I feel TOTALLY safe in my truck and in primes maintenance. I've never been denied repairs, and Brian said it best when he described our inbound crew like a NASCAR pit crew. They'll change tires and fix trailer brakes as you wait in line to enter the terminal.,.. Amazing.

Glad u liked my thread. Ask anything you wish... We are here to help and good luck ;)

Totally understand focusing on training. I have a background in driving for the military for 10 years so driving and training will be rather second nature and a refresher. And I pray I don't get a lemon.

Also what kind of truck you drive? And I don't wanna lease from them period better off buying own truck and getting on with a company with a load board if I were to go that route. I don't like the idea of leasing and having to depend on someone else to make my load choices for me.

Posted:  8 years, 5 months ago

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Don't let the 5 CPM fool you. I have the condo and get a bigger fuel bonus and more miles than my friend in a LW....hence I make more money. Learn to amange your time and either way you will be good ;)

Thanks Rainy D. Ive read your thread and it's been very helpful. I know it's pushing it but what about color and choice of manual/automatic do they go that far in option choices ?????

Posted:  8 years, 5 months ago

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And you may have to WAIT if your choice doesn't happen to be available on the terminal when it comes time for a truck assignment.

Prime would "prefer" solo's take a LW (hence the financial incentives to do so) and leave the fullsize's for teams. Personally - I don't know that I could full-time in an LW for very long.


That's What I Was Thinking If This My Full Time Space Day And Night I Would Like To Be Comfortable. Don't want to be told I have to drive LW.

Posted:  8 years, 5 months ago

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Hey to all here at TT!!!

I will be leaving for prime Saturday and was wondering if prime puts you in a LW truck starting solo or do they give you the option to choose??

Posted:  8 years, 6 months ago

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Will anyone hire me with a past suspended license?

Some companies will past some will give you a chance. I had a suspended license 2 years 350 days ago but I can go to Schneider until the 3 year mark and it falls off. Different rules apply to different places . Just continue putting applications out.

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