Mackinaw City, MI
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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So....can we get some updates Ladies in trucking????
Absolutely loving this new adventure. Found a wonderful teammate, finished my training and have dealt with some of the hardest issues we face being away from loved ones. Hoping to get home for the first time in 5 months come February. Found out I-80 through Wyoming sucks this time if year.
5 months! Girl, you have some cahones bigger than most men :)) I hope you get your home time soon and congrats on finding a good teammate!!!
Have home time scheduled for Feb. 6 we'll see how it works out. Last home time was suppose to start on Jan. 13 so I could see my oldest daughter while she was in town. Finally got out of Cheyenne after sitting four days (high winds, no light trailers) the day I was suppose to be home, then had to finish the run up to OR. So my baby girls' birthday is the 7th trying to surprise her. As long as the DM learned from the last time should make. :))
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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So....can we get some updates Ladies in trucking????
Absolutely loving this new adventure. Found a wonderful teammate, finished my training and have dealt with some of the hardest issues we face being away from loved ones. Hoping to get home for the first time in 5 months come February. Found out I-80 through Wyoming sucks this time if year.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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So....can we get some updates Ladies in trucking????
Got my license halfway through almost halfway through my training, made the decision to team up. I'll know in about two weeks how well that's going to work. Running a dedicated route CA to IL
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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So I finally passed and got my license. I've completed a little more than half my required miles for phase one of my training with C.R. England and still have about two weeks to go on the time requirement part. Depending on the load assignments we get I'll be completely done with this phase about November 30. Ive decided to team up with a friend. So far I'm absolutely loving this new career, I got lucky and got a really good trainer. As my new adventure continues I'll be sure to post...btw just found out yesterday that the first real mountain that I drove was the grapevine.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Indiana Drivers Testing facilities
I tested at the south haven portage location, the examiners are fair, it took me four times to pass but that was totally my fault, I wasn't as prepared as I thought I was and got nervous
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Thank you all for the support and help. A very large thank you to Brett for the amazing study guide!
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Looking forward to getting my trainer and being challenged. Also looking forward to improving on and expanding the skills I have. :)
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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I passed my driving test today! Monday I will officially be hired. Looking forward to getting my training time in.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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So I finally made it to school,I've been here almost a month. Had my permit on the fourth day. Learned how to offset and parallel to the blindside! Take my test tomorrow...feeling confident I'll pass, my clutching and shifting are really good according to my instructors.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Almost completed my first 9 months lots of changes
Hey all haven't been on the site much lately due to a lot of changes and learning this career so figured it was time to update everyone. Got my license almost 9 months ago which means my schooling contract is almost finished. YAY!!!! In the process of getting divorced been separated for almost 6 months ( it's a long story). Teamed up with a wonderful friend and we look leased a truck together about 3 months ago. So far its all going good, still learning the ins and outs of owning our own truck. Loving the adventure and I finally feel that I'm doing what I was meant to do. Averaging close to 6000 miles a week so not much time for anything other than driving and sleeping. But I love it. Not sure I would have made it through with out the help and support on here.