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Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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I am an experienced truck driver, but a new member to this site so I'm quite excited to hear about a forum that is dedicated to truck drivers. I like your post about the baby wipes, that is a great idea. I actually like the use Anti Monkey Butt during those long drives across country because they works quite well when you have to sit the the same place for a while. I used having really bad chaffing during these 40 hour drives because my skin was very sensitive. My butt chafing would be so bad I couldn't sit down when I drove. I would put soap and it would sting a lot and not help the rash at all. Anti Monkey butt has a super formula that helps, but I actually use the lady formula for sensitive skin. (I don't care that I'm not a lady, ain't nothing worse than having to walk like a penguin cause it hurts so bad.) But I do like the baby shampoo that gets the grease out, I got a couple of stains in the rig that I have been meaning to get out. I appreciate the advice everyone!
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Is my trainer gonna kick me outta the truck?
I would definitely not leave home with my things and I brought in two bags as well when I did my training with my trainer. They gave me a weird look and told me the exact thing. "As long as you don't mind sleeping with it." I said no problem, but it got in the way like he said. Its the balance between being comfortable and having clean cloths. That rolling your cloths idea works though, I got it from a military guy that show me that you can pack twice as much stuff if you roll all of your cloths. I have a lot of toiletries as well and you can't and make that stuff smaller so, it can to be with the cloths. I just use the cloths bag as a pillow and that worked fine for the most part. The one thing that i was happy I brought was my Anti Monkey Butt for my chafing butt. The calamine powder helped me from not chafing because it was REAL bad on that first day. My trainer was making so much fun of me on the first day, which was fine because I was have made fun of me if I watched someone walking into the gas station the way I was. Man, I miss those earlier trainin' days. Good times.