Profile For Old Roadie

Old Roadie's Info

  • Location:
    Atlanta, GA

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    8 years, 7 months ago

Old Roadie's Bio

After being in 1 place for a while after nearly 2 decades of travelling as a stage lighting technician, I came to understand it was the travel and not the "gigs with the stars" that made me love the job. So I thought the travel without the 18 hour work days might be a good fit. I was MOSTLY right...

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Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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Windy in Wyoming. Whoda thunk!

Sounds like Wyoming alright! Glad you decided to shut down. Worth a pound of cure!

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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Chain Up Story

Here in the NW they will require chains often even when it seems running barefoot would be fine. Shutting down due to chain restriction isn't an option for me. I would spend to much time parked.

For example cabbage hill is often chains required for just the hill itself then you can take them off. You could lose a whole day just to avoid chaining up for a few miles.

Of course if you don't feel safe continuing on then shut down definitely. I can chain 3 axles in less than 30 minutes. Running NW regional it's chain and go, Throwing iron is part of the job.

Guess I got lucky.. Never had to chain up for Cabbage!

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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Chain Up Story

I prefer to lay the chains over the tires, that way you can do them all at once if your chaining both drives. I used to lay them on the ground when I drove straight trucks but I put them over the tire now. If your only chaining one drive axle then laying on the ground is just as fast.

I had a new driver ask me for help the other day, I had no problem showing him how.

I guess it is just a matter of preference with me. I tried laying them over the wheels first but it worked out better the othet way.

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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Chain Up Story

I didn't have any options unfortunately. I was committed once I started over Donner and my delivery was in Reno next morning. Headed West back over Donner the next day and the road was clear. Glad to be running the midwest and southeast these days. Still have to deal with winter conditions but at least it's mostly flat!

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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Chain Up Story

I was heading East over Donner Pass earlier this year when I had to pull over and chain up due to heavy snow and the chain rule going into effect. I had never chained up but I had watched training videos. Just a hint... Lay the chains out and back onto them. Much easier. I got my drives and tandems chained and bungeed. But since I had never done it before I wanted to be sure I had it right. The truck in front of me was driven by a weather-beaten grizzled looking old-timer. I figured that if my chains looked like his I would be in good shape. I also guessed that he would either tell me what he thought or tell me what he thought of me! I walked up and asked if I could see what he had done and explained I hadn't had to chain up before. He turned out to be very helpful and encouraging. He said that if my chains looked like his then I had done better than he the first time he put them on. And he stressed several times for me to drive at my own comfort level and not to let other drivers make me feel like I was going too slow. So the point is.... Don't be worried about approaching someone for advice. There are still drivers who are willing to offer the benefit of their experience.

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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'Very chaotic scene' on I-96 as 3 dead, 11 hurt in 40-vehicle pileup

I came up US 127 to I 96 in Lansing yesterday morning. Just south of 96 I got into a heavy snow squall. Couldn't see 2 truck lengths ahead of me so naturally I slowed and put my flashers on. Cars were flying past me at an easy 70 with no lights on. Trucks too. I don't understand why anyone would drive that way. When I got onto 96 in Lansing the road was iced over. Cars spun out and off the road on both sides. I had to creep at a walking pace for several miles and still had my empty trailer try to change lanes on me a couple times. And there were still cars AND trucks just cruising past on my left. Again... I don't get it.

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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Mornings like this.

Sitting in

Sitting in Ionia MI on a 34 hour reset. I 96 through Lansing was slick as a banana peel th

My keyboard closed on me. Was like a skating rink in Lansing. I was running about 3mph and my empty trailer kept making an appearance in my right side mirror. Meanwhile I was being passed by people doing near the speed limit. Windchill is 9 right now. Looking forward to that load to Florida!

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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Mornings like this.

Sitting in Ionia MI on a 34 hour reset. I 96 through Lansing was slick as a banana peel th

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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The More Things Change

1960S educational film on winter driving and pre-trip inspection for truck drivers. Hope the link works.

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Snow Chain Storage

Can you fit them in a side box or under the bunk? I attached a plastic storage bin to the back platform (catwalk) of a truck I used to drive and kept them in there.

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