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Company Driver In Training
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Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Truck Versus Car Incident - Who Was Wrong, & Could It Have Been Avoided?
So please, if we're trying to teach new drivers how to avoid this kind of situation, great, point out what the truck driver did wrong. But don't muddy up the difference between suboptimal driving (we all have our days when we're just plain lucky, if we're being honest) and "fault."
Was the truck driver an a$$? Yes. Was he legally at fault? No. Being an a$$ is not something to promote, but neither is it worth promoting confusion about legal liability with real consequences, even if it makes you feel good.
This, is pure GOLD
Thanks you Sir.
Well Said.
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Xanax, the problems that I see are that you can't seem to land a good solid truck driving job, while a person with a CDL and a training certificate can make a phone call and have that done easily.
We go to a lot of trouble here to teach folks how to get this ball rolling. When you come in here trying to tell us "there is more than one way to skin a cat," you must also recognize that so far it hasn't worked out so well for you. .
you have ZERO clue on what I have on the table..LOL....how in the world do you conclude that I cant seem to land a good solid truck driving job????
I have a SOLID & IN-WRITING offer from schneider...
I have SOLID & IN-WRITING offer from PRIME...
but guess what...I dont have to RUN to them. I have OTHER SOURCES of income so trucking is not the thing that puts food on the table
Why must you conclude everything to the negative? when you know so little about me?
my VERY FIRST question on this post was how to get "proper OTR" experience....why?...coz that will help me when it comes to insurance time when I become a full O/O (if I choose to become one)
You dont have the complete picture (which I intentionally left out) since the rest is no ones business....but LO! & BEHOLD!....I cannot land a good solid gig...coz I dont have a certificate...SMDH...c'mon Sir....dont be like that
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Truck Versus Car Incident - Who Was Wrong, & Could It Have Been Avoided?
A lot of missing info here.
I say the VW was at fault coz of the unsafe lane change. just because the blinker is on does not mean right of way is automatic.
we have no idea how heavy the tractor trailer was, therefore stopping distance my not have been enough
also, notice how the tractor trailer veers into the shoulder? methinks slamming on brakes would have been worse than steering to avoid
it could also be a tanker, so the momentum kept the truck pushing forward and a FINALLY as I remember in the CDL handbook, they advice its better to steer away from obstacle than slam on brakes due to potential jackknifing
conclussion?...tractors take longer to stop than 4 wheelers....therefore 4 wheelers beware!!!!
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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You know what...I think I know why u think what you thought.
let me clarify.
The crazy experienced described above were ALL PRIOR to ever driving a truck
It was during that blessing by fire, that I decided to do tractor/trailer rental for back-up & road test practice....and eventual DMV exam.
the experience I got while getting "blessed by fire" and my performance while with the O/O made her (O/O) conclude that I was a good enough to avoid the expense related to schooling.
Mind you, this school had 10 students to 1 truck ratio. a lot of time was spent standing idle waiting for a 5 min chance to back up, or a 1-mile drive lesson for the road training part. This is all the schools do. a lot of time wasted.
I have a small business to run, a family to tend to, and an truck opportunity to evaluate. I dont have time to sit and chit chat with students who have no clue what a income statement is...or IFTA, or IRP.
Im not saying Im a know it all, but if I buy a tractor trailor and put a driver in it...I want to have the comfort that I can drive my asset if the driver quits on me....therefore getting a CDL is important to me. and thats what I did.
If I join a company and give them my "time" in exchange for a few pennies per mile for experience then its a win-win, even if that relationship lasts a year.
so Im not here to talk down to or speak ill of another poster...all I said is I got into the deep end, and had to do it...that is all
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Old school...I'm not sure what "problems" u are alluding to...I dont actually have any that I have expressed here.
my choice of words i.e. "deep end" applies to the driving for the very first time EVER without doing school stuff....and yes, I DID NOT CRASH THE TRUCK...
I have re-read your post, and I still dong get how you conclude I'm having problems...LOL
By the way, I STILL have not run to get a CDL job...im evaluating my options.
the truck I bob tailed I had ZERO problems taking it to MD for inspection/registration. One of my friends bought it to be a truck owner and does not have a CDL...so offered to pick it up and drive it to MD....and guess what ...delivered it flawlessly
I think you must have mis-read my posts or are too judgemental to those that take non-traditional routes.
my $4000 is still in the bank for my downpayment if I decide to by a truck
what is "ill-advised" to some, may be another way to skin a cat by others....jus' sayin'
finally, I have no desire to get into a pixxing contest with mods...all I offered was MY OWN version of git'r'done to the OP...that is all.
not opportunity will come wrapped with a bow
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Well, I got thrown in the deep end by an O/O....haha
first time driving, I did a HOT SWAP @ 4AM on a str8 away....and just held the truck steering for 4hrs...smdh
second time, I pulled into a rest area, took a ****, then got forced to grind the 10spd till it moved....she just looked at me and called me a big P***Y when frustration started showing. She helped slide the gear into place a few times ...but boy was I stressed out (with a 35K lbs load behind me)
third time, I was going thr NJ TKPE tolls and could not catch my gear...so I just stuck it in neutral thru the toll, and stopped. Then re-started the whole shifting thing...grinding and all
finally, I did a truck rental deal and worked out my kinks.
this past weekend, I bobtailed a KW 13spd for 200 miles (ALONE) thru DC just for the fun of it....LOL....and I loved it more than the 10spd
sometimes you just gotta say F&%K it and just do it when the chance shows up....thats what she taught me....and she foul mouthed as hell
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Just wanna share my beloved condo!
Hey there!...Just noticed u based in RVA...
You with Abelene, Swift or Averitt?
I just need to convince wifey to let me loose for OTR...LOL
Also, how do we do PM's on this board...I just cannot figure it out
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Yet another Newbie....OH WISE ONES...
thx for your reply....
Xanax, what they are referring to about the 160 hours is a training certificate that shows evidence of 160 hours training - that is what you will get from a training program or a truck driving school.
(Seems to satisfy the 160hrs req IMHO)Your honest opinion will mean nothing to a prospective employer when they want your training certificate so they can have it on file to meet their insurance company's requirements. Without that certificate you will be hard pressed to get employment from most of the major carriers. I am seriously surprised that Schneider is willing to take you on.
Heck, I was surprised too...
I got the impression that they are desperate for drivers....not that Im an "undesirable"...LOL
I have a clean MVR, 15+yrs of no speeding tickets, no infractions, nada.
Never did drugs of any kind
No Felonies or Misdeamenors etc
steady work history.
Schneider asked how I got my CDL, I told them about the O/O friend giving me some training, then renting a truck and passing...which means I have no "School Certificate" to show....but I have my CDL to prove that I did not screw up during the testing
I say to go with Schneider because although their training is shorter than most, it is also very thorough. You will also have so many more options with them as time goes by. Their operation is huge with all kinds of divisions you could move over into with ease if you are able to prove yourself as a safe and productive driver.
That other job sounds like a dead end to me.
Based on what I have read here re: schneider boot camp, it seems to be exactly what my O/O friend did to me....unless im missing something.
They have a simulator, which is cool.
I've dropped & hooked, I've backed into docks up in PA @ Nestle plant, I dove up & down scranton PA all the way to SC & GA.
please keep in mind, I'm not demeaning schneider bootcamp, but based on the stories, i have not read anything that gives me that "Aha!" lightbulb moment. it seems to me to be replication of private CDL school (or maybe the private CDL schools copied schneiders format..LOL)
All in all, Im all for more training, but Im kinda expecting a graduated level of training like my motorcycle experiences.
In motorcycle, I started with the regular MSF class, then after one year of experience, I took Advanced MSF training, and after another year, I took a training similar to motorcycle cops (real aggressive/footpeg scrapping stuff)
Im I expecting too much?
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Yet another Newbie....OH WISE ONES...
Thx to all that replied.
With Schneider, the boot camp will only offer 7days OTR. 20 days will be the basics i.e. shifting, backing, logs etc...same stuff as what was done at school.
Also, due to current situation, I cannot do other Schneider OTR runs, that's why they presented me with the local, home daily, 12hr x 5 days gig.
The earliest I can do a "real" OTR is 9 months from now.....as in be gone for 2+weeks at a time.
So. Both options entail local runs. Both options entail a short-ish OTR exposure (7days).
My calculator shows that 24hrs x 7 days = 168hrs. Seems to me that Schneider's 7 day OTR requirement is meeting that goal. The local company has not explicitly stated that, but i brought up the need to do side by side training runs for a week before being let loose on the Class-A equipment and they agreed. (Seems to satisfy the 160hrs req IMHO)
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Truck Versus Car Incident - Who Was Wrong, & Could It Have Been Avoided?
Its not "tirade"....its an opinion.
In this case, there is no liability debate based on "what if"
The VW driver made an UNSAFE LANE change, and you all are somehow, assigning fault to the truck driver for the VW drivers behavior.
Being a PROFESSIONAL DRIVER does not automatically pass blame to PROFESSIONAL DRIVER, when the "non-professional" drivers make stupid moves.
As Bud A. said, "Was the truck driver an a$$? Yes. Was he legally at fault? No."...thats the GOLD right there. I'm not a lawyer, but I'm not quick too pass blame.
Thank you.
The sections underlined & boldened allow me to rest my case.
No Hypotheticals or "What-If's"