Going contrarian. We already have Embark taking refrigerators from Texas to California, using humans in Ryder trucks for "the last mile". Sticking to the relatively uncomplex I-10 is a great proof of concept. Since the first few months have been successful I think more can only be expected.
My guess as to when autonomous gets truly disruptive of the status quo? Five years, tops.
In an industry where tiny efficiency gains are avidly pursued the cost per mile of autonomous vehicles will be irresistible. Watch JB Hunt, as they ordered some Tesla electrics (once Musk gets production going, always a challenge for him) and Tesla electric is just a software patch from autonomous.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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TruckingTruth Article: Self Driving Vehicles Are Coming Soon You Say? I Say Please Stop Clowning Us
Going contrarian. We already have Embark taking refrigerators from Texas to California, using humans in Ryder trucks for "the last mile". Sticking to the relatively uncomplex I-10 is a great proof of concept. Since the first few months have been successful I think more can only be expected.
My guess as to when autonomous gets truly disruptive of the status quo? Five years, tops.
In an industry where tiny efficiency gains are avidly pursued the cost per mile of autonomous vehicles will be irresistible. Watch JB Hunt, as they ordered some Tesla electrics (once Musk gets production going, always a challenge for him) and Tesla electric is just a software patch from autonomous.