Profile For Michael B.

Michael B.'s Info

  • Location:
    Vancouver, WA

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    8 years, 6 months ago

Michael B.'s Bio

Spent most of my working life in the printing industry. Decided back in 2001 or so I wanted to get out of printing and get rich in trucking! 8) Went to Western Pacific Truck Driving School in Portland, OR and got a job driving for Swift. Drove for Swift for 2 years OTR. Made so many mistakes it's beyond counting! I used to think I was pretty hot stuff. Driving truck cooled Mr Hot Stuff down real quick. I quit driving in the winter of 2002 somewhere between Salt Lake and Winnemucca in the high desert at about 3 in the morning. I had to pull off the road and cry for about an hour or so because I was so darn lonely. Never had that experience before of since. UGH!

Fast forward 12 or 13 years and I'm back driving again. Company I was printing for closed their doors. Printing jobs are hard to come by these days; but in truckin' you can always find a job if you can make a truck go forward! I can easily make a truck go forward, it's the other direction that is a bit iffy for me. Currently drivin a poor old beat up Volvo doin short haul between Portland and Seattle for a small company with three trucks and doing ok. 61 years old Former dope fiend and drunkard. I'll have 25 years next month if I don't get drunk or die before then. Like fast bikes, loose women, and big trucks

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Posted:  5 years, 6 months ago

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10 things I've learned in 4 years of trucking...

My Rand Mcnally is pretty reliable. If it is screwed up I know it right away. Main thing is it's got to see the sky unobstrucfed. Recently was downtown San Francisco and buildings blocked the sky. GPS locater quit. Didn't know which way to go to get back on 80 and get outta there. Used Google maps for general directions but usually I NEVER use Google maps. One time it had me on a deserted gravel road with bushes growing up. Rediculous!

Posted:  5 years, 6 months ago

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Fatality Due to Apparently Improperly Secured Flatbed Load

I've really got to step up my game. Recently hauling forming for concrete with a coating on thr plywood that is slick like formica. Any way the rear stact of 3 shifted and could have come off the trailer! NOT COOL!!! Should have used 2 or 3 belly straps across the 2nd piece then 4-5 straps over the top. Ok 5or6. Anyway it didn't fall off but was too close for my comfort. I do not have a headache rack. Just trust that I won't have to hard brake because most of the stuff I haul would just punch right thru the back of the cab and after removing my head would continue right on out the windshield. Nothing stopping it whatsoever. Gotta think about this. Glad I read the article! 😀

Posted:  6 years, 2 months ago

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Anyone help with inverter

Hard wired is the only way to go. Anything less is asking for trouble. BUT ya gotta check with the company whether or not this ok. I have a 2500 watt inverter to run my coffee pot and microwave and it works great. But I've got the biggest wire I could fit in the inverter connection running directly to the battery. 500 watt might work in the cigarette lighter. Not sure.try it and see. I also have a 350 watt just plugged into the cigarette lighter. I use that for my laptop and to recharge my electric shaver.

Posted:  6 years, 2 months ago

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Dry van or flatbed

What do you all recommend Dry Van or Flatbed and why

Might be a good to just try each one. Personally I like flatbed The customers seem to be less hardened to truckers. Most dry van places generally don't treat truckers very personally. They get a thousand truckers in and thru there every day and if you look around any truckstop store I understand why. Where with flatbed it just seems to me the people are more friendly. Just my opinion One thing for certain... I DO NOT tollerate being treated rudely. Some guys just take it. I do not. I am an honest decent hard working 64 year old man. I have worked every day of my misspent life and think I deserve to be treated with a modicun of basic human decency! There... I feel better now! 😁

Posted:  8 years, 6 months ago

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New on the forum - Getting back into trucking

Just wanted to say HOWDY

AND that I'm grateful to all that put in the time and effort to put this site together! A real gold mine

Been scratchin gears for a 3 truck outfit doing short haul betwixt Portland and Seattle Doing ok Weekends off which gives me a chance to recuperate I am encouraged that I still remember how to make a truck go forwards. The other direction now is another story! Man, my left leg gets tired quick!

And I sure enjoy all those friendly folks waving at me...some even use all 5 fingers! =)

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