Profile For Soulbrutha

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Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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Well it finally happened...

My hat is off and down to the TENN. State police today. I show up at the courthouse for my ticket, and wow, it was packed. I will save all of the drama that I witnessed. My name was finally called and to my delight the trooper came to the hearing. I confirmed my name and that was about it. The trooper described what happened to the judge and recommended that the area be investigated for reassignment to a no u-turn area. Case DISSMISSED! I did not even have to pay court cost! BULLETT DODGED LESSON LEARNED.

Posted:  7 years, 4 months ago

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Well it finally happened...

Thank you for your answers. I completely agree with them. You are right about my not looking before moving over. Complacency killed the cat on this day for sure. The lesson to all is never let your guard down period. Thinking about it, I agree that had he not been speeding, it would have been worse. That's how fast it happened. I clipped the corner of the dump bed and his mudflap. I will keep you posted on the court verdict. Thanks Brett. Soulbrutha

Posted:  7 years, 4 months ago

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Well it finally happened...

As a driver in this industry I am well aware that Murphy can and will show his might at times. Here we go. Exiting a shipper in Jackson Tenn. today, I made a bonehead mistake that I hope everyone reads and learns from. To get back to I 40 from this shipper, you have to cross the median (legal at this area) and head back west to the interstate. The median is on a small section of divided four lane. Done it here many times before, no problems right?


The problem with this scenario is this crossing is at the base of a decent but smaller hill and is the only place to turn around for 24 miles of skinny road. I am doing my thing, signaling, and slowing down in preparation to change to the left lane and position myself to cross the median. Check my mirrors twice and start over to the left lane. As I was looking over for a third time WHAM! A TRI axle dump truck takes half of my deer guard and re-aims it straight forward for me. He also took out my headlight bezel, my hood mounted mirror and skinned up my bumper and fender.

Trooper shows up I tell him what happened and vice versa with the other driver. Fast forward. Other driver is released. Trooper comes back to talk to me. I was issued a citation for due care which I completely agree with. Here is the issue though. I never saw the guy in my mirrors. That means only one thing.. He was behind me coming down the hill at a high rate of speed. The trooper off the record confirmed this after looking at the vehicles and my very heavy metal deer guard. The other driver crested the hill, saw me and instead of rear ending me, swerved and passed me in my blind spot. Trooper again off the record says that if I show up at court the citation will be dismissed. He knew exactly what happened but could not prove it.

Now for my questions. If the citation is dismissed do I still get csa points? I am sure that this goes on dac, but, are there any areas to mitigate what happened? Finally since this is the first accident I have ever had , non injury and relatively minor damage other than my shorts and ego, what is the dot classification? Humbly, Soulbrutha

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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Confused please help the newbie....

Reaper I do not personally know of Prime's procedures on this topic. I have read in previous posts that the light weight division offers a incentive to sign . (Implying that it is a option) I do know that the lw trucks do not have a passenger seat so you may have some issues with that. My advice would be to contact your rep. and really dig. Make sure of what you are getting into beforehand. Good luck. Soulbrutha out

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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I just quit trucking after giving it everything over a 5 month period.

Old School has many valid points. You did the job so you are not lazy. I to think you stretched way to far way to fast. If you want local, like Brett said, you can do better for more. I will add that if you do find something else that suits you, bust it out like you did the first opportunity. I think you will be surprised at what your results are. Good luck. Soulbrutha out

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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Got a message on the Qualcomm that makes me feel a little better about the last couple months.

You should let that one swell your head and bit. You hit it hard man. Bravo Zulu

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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A couple questions for experienced drivers

Pre-trip inspection.......? Any body want to take that one? If you pull that trailer one foot you are a liability and your trainer should be fired. Wow.

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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CDL-A permit needed prior to enrolling in company sponsored school/training?

Definitely try to get your permit and endorsements beforehand. Doing them at the school is a hell of lot more stressful on top of the sleeplessness and new schedule. If you cannot do this, definitely do the courses on this sight. Some of the materials may seem off base but trust me, its better to know it and not need it for exam purposes. Make sure your medical is up to date for BP and sight. I cannot stress that ENOUGH! You will not have much hometime to start... Get used to it. Do your year and then focus on your choices for scheduling. Remember, you survive your first year out here. Focus on this very hard. Good luck man. Soulbrutha out....

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