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Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Folks I need some good podcasts to listen to, any suggestions? I would prefer if they were not hard core political ones, there is only so much of that I can stand.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Rick, are you suggesting gladhand get a hooked for the night to make life on the road easier?
Well.....yes I suppose I am. IF that is part of the reason why he is having issues. If not then it won't apply to him.
It's not an issue that many drivers talk about, but it's real.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Brett what you say is true about being stressed about everything else that it is hard to enjoy things at times. And Errol and Rick I definitely hit a rut/plateau again. The hard thing is this is all I have right now, I failed out of college and the only decent job I can find home is being a correctional officer. Sure there is "trades", but they don't apprentice they only take experienced people and the trucking jobs are all family based.
I'm at a weird point right now because I want to live a little more like a normal person, but I don't want to pay for anything (apartment, vehicle, etc). I am in it for a year regardless. Just feels good to get input from everyone.
Heck man do what Brett said, try to go see a game, or what I said, or try something new. I am the type of person that prefers to be alone, I dont mind doing things by myself at all. As long as you are the same you can have some fun on the road.
Do you Game at all? Geocache?
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Rick, with two posts, your excused for this comment to Gladhand:
Brother, laziness is not going to get you anywhere, Trucking is a minimum of a 6 day a week job with 12 hour days. Minimum. How much are you making?
Gladhand is one of the active, rising rookie stars here on Trucking Truth. He had to take his selfie avatar photo off because some of the lady truckers here wanted to know what truck stop he was at.
He's a good guy to know, and, like your "rut" paragraph suggests, hitting this wall happens to a lot of people. Gladhand is generous enough to share his thoughts here. And thank you, Rick, for your suggestions! Adding them in here makes them available to all the readers.
I must say I never meant to say he was lazy, I have lurked here for a while and I know he is a smart hardworking guy, I am sure anything he puts his mind to will result to his success.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Gladhand, are you "hitting a wall", "on a plateau"? You say you haven't forgotten the excitement of the open road adventure, yet it's getting to be a drag.
I bet that would happen to anyone, even a jet pilot. Yes there are things to miss, and you are definitely NOT downgrading your life. Like Brett suggests, you just may get used to the lifestyle, then you will be able to look forward to all the new places and new things available to you.
You do have that 1 year commitment to Swift, so at least make that a milestone, then think about it.
I will say that your statement is true IF you LOVE trucking. Devan is a young fella and he should not live in a prison of his own making if trucking is not for him. For old farts like us we don't have much of a choice, but hes a young guy, lets encourage him to look at things objectively and consider all the options.
A guy who is in prison eventually "get used" to it, but that don't mean they like it. Im not saying he should quit, but he needs to not be afraid to asmit trucking is not for him and move on if he truly feels that way. Lets not hold a young man back because we want to feel better about our life choices.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Is it worth it? I know I am the positive guy most of the time but lately I am not enjoying it like I usually do. I am not liking the constant travel or lifestyle as much as I thought I would. I still love driving, but some of the OTR things aren't really for me. Granted some of my complaints can be fixed, but basic luxuries we have at home I sure do miss. I would almost gladly take the 40hr work week back, but sadly I can't make a decent living doing so. I am not quitting by any means, but I am finding that I don't really like otr as much as I thought. It's one of those harsh reality type things. Man I was stupid for thinking I would work less as truck driver...
Brother, laziness is not going to get you anywhere, Trucking is a minimum of a 6 day a week job with 12 hour days. Minimum. How much are you making?
How much longer is your obligation to swift? If its almost over hang in there, if its just begun I would tell them if they keep pushing you around you will park the truck and walk. Let them sweat a little. you are not a slave my friend.
You are a young guy, look into the trades, start applying. Electrician, plumber, HVAC. The best thing would be to get a college degree if you want easy work. Blue collar work is hard, dirty and dangerous.
What do you miss the most? Are you lonely? If you are its ok to admit. Its tough.
Missing your love life? There are ways to get a date on the road that don't involve a diseased lot lizard, its not something many drivers will talk about but you can get company for a night on the town in almost any city over 100,000 people. I have done it and am not ashamed. you are a young guy and missing out on almost unlimited no strings attached hookups. Heck you can get a very classy lady or guy or whatever floats your boat, if your truck is clean they may even be willing to come back to check out your "house" after your date if its a nice clean truck. I have had company that wanted to try new things and were thrilled to check out my truck.
Are you a drinker? I am not but my trainer was and every so often he would take hometime in some new place, get a hotel and some company and drink so much he forgot his name. He said he needed to have a good hard drunk every couple months or so he said it was kind of like a reset for his mind.
Your in a rut brother. It happens to all of us. Even Joe six pack that works in a factory. I am not saying that you need to stay in trucking, but don't be afraid to spice it up a bit.
Brent had many good suggestions as well.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Lease Purchase Or Stay A Company Driver?
How do you end up as a lease op with 1 million dollars in the bank in 10 years????
Start with 2 million and work really hard!
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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How to get back on track when I get too deep into my thoughts?
Sometimes I do some really deep thinking, way too deep. Some times I start to feel depressed from this, mostly when I think of old memories and times that in no way shape or form will ever be back, days that are gone forever. Jobs I have had, friends I have made at those jobs, old girlfriends, family stuff, you name it.
This field gives you a lot of time to think and that can be a bad thing for me sometimes. It seems time is going faster and faster the older I get and its almost like the clock is spinning out of control. How can I slow down sometimes?
Surely I am not the only one to ever feel this way, Any tips on getting my mind right when I get too deep into it?
I try listening to podcasts, watching you tube videos, listening to talk radio, going on the forums, things like that.
Any other tips?