Profile For Yosemite Sam

Yosemite Sam's Info

  • Location:
    Born and raised in Brooklyn,NY. RESIDE IN Olmsted Township, OH

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    8 years, 5 months ago

Yosemite Sam's Bio

Just graduated CDL school (ROADMASTERS- Richfield,OH)--9/29/2016. Begin my orientation with MAY Trucking tues 10/04/2016. Began a new chapter in my life started the CDL and wanted to become a professional truck driver. Set up the goal for myself and achieved it all on my own with the support of true friends not so much family. I'm glad that I made this choice and look forward to seeing and learning new things in this industry that will set my future bright as diamond. God willing !!

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Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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CB radios ???

How's everyone doing?? Haven't checked in a while. Been busy learning the ropes. Upgraded to solo driver now for a few months in my own company truck loving the road except when it snows. Lol! So my ??? I'm sure has been asked again and again but I'm dropping this load tomorrow and will be by a company yard and would like to finally have my CB RADIO installed. I'm going with the cobra 25 ltd classic. Just wondering what all do I really need to buy along with the actual radio and mic as far as antennas and cable and everything else that is needed for a cb just want it to get great reception and people clearly hear me and I hear them. I know everyone is busy doing there thing but any advice will greatly help dnt want to buy things I won't really need. Have until Monday as the shop is closed Sunday. Hope to hear from anyone Thanks again TT members

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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May trucking starting orientation 10/4/2016

What's going on Eric Great! It's had its ups and downs but overall great! I was training with a trainer for bout 4 weeks would have finished in 3 but his truck was sent to the shop and we sat for 4 days that held me back a bit. Did my solo test out in Phoenix trainer went on his home time. Been solo for few weeks now I'm on my 5th run already. Training is good. Company is good. Dnt really have any bad things to say. Anything u want to ask in particular??

Iam looking into mays trucking . How's your experience going with them

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Probably asked a,thousand times.

You are right as they must have a valid CDL in order to accompany the permit holder taking his test. When I took my test the tester who was also the owner of the atlas testing site. Never drove a truck a day in his life he said. Just wanted to help Kevin to calm Himself before his test

Yosemite Sam wrote in response to the CDL exams:


Just think of it as a demonstration rather than a test. U are demonstrating to the tester what is done while pre tripping doing ur backing and finally ur road test. The tester probably never drove a truck in his or her life. Everyone is nervous just try to take a deep breath and show the tester what u got.


Sam...the "tester" must hold a valid and active CDL, they are accompanying a CDL permit holder on public roads and highways. At least the ones I have met and know, they are all former truckers.

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Probably asked a,thousand times.

I am scheduled for my state exam at school on Tuesday at 1:30. I asked for a few more days to practice pretrip and airbrakes but he said I had six months to prepare so Tuesday it is. I said I'd come in on Monday to practice airbrakes and pretrip. He said I'm not allowed to. I would not recommend this place to anyone. Very strange operation. So how did all of you prepare mentally to keep your nerves in check?

Just think of it as a demonstration rather than a test. U are demonstrating to the tester what is done while pre tripping doing ur backing and finally ur road test. The tester probably never drove a truck in his or her life. Everyone is nervous just try to take a deep breath and show the tester what u got.

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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May trucking starting orientation 10/4/2016

We reach our destination. Safe and sound! Dropped our trailer, did our VIR and our macros for tractor and trailer. Called it a night. Now another bad day would come into play. Inspecting my trainers truck found a leak in motor somewhere need to get his truck to freightliner cause the truck still has a warranty. Now we sitting in this hotel sharing a room until the truck is repaired. I'm just mad cause this is time I could be out there learning new things. But it is what it is. Have to wait til the truck is ready. Until then. Stay safe!!

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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May trucking starting orientation 10/4/2016

We headed out bout 5 am the following morning. This load we got was going to Milwaukee OR. TWO DAY TRIP. 1246 miles. I began each morning driving until our lunch. Felt great going thru different roads and conditions learning what to look for and expect. I drove thru cabbage mountain. That was a bit crazy climbing up all those mountains to eventually come down into a bunch of fog could barely see anything but made it down safely. Drove thru all them crazy turns going up the mountains. Definitely used that name brake. Made coming down much easier. We got redirect to the brooks Oregon yard because my trainer had a maintenance appointment

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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May trucking starting orientation 10/4/2016

Haven't checked in a while. Still doing my training. Been learning a lot of ups and downs that come with the territory. After our problematic load that was being delivery to anheusher Busch in Denver. We did a 34 hour reset and finally got a pre trip. We headed out bout 8:30 am pick up was only 10 minutes from the yard. Got to the shipper at 9:30. Pickup time was at 10 am. We sat there until bout 18:00 til we got a door and they finally loaded us. We stayed parked at the shipper no reason to move only had 2 hrs left on our day.

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Kind of confused

Not sure how the school operates but I can tell them u not ready to test out yet and u want more practice. You paid for school. So they shouldn't have any objections. If they do like how my school did (ROADMASTERS). They only pay for your first test out then u must pay after that each time. If u want to take the test on your own. I believe most test sites allow u to pay them to use there trucks but they may have a double axle as well call and check up.

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Quick fix for refrigerator break down! ASAP

Hey everyone Thanks for all ur replies as to my trainers situation with his refrigerator and freezer. So lucky we dropped our load off in university park IL and we're on 20 mins out from out Gary IN terminal. He was allowed to go there and remove his refrigerator from truck and place all his meats in the freezer at the company terminal. He did have warranty and has a new one on the way. Being shipped out to the brooks terminal in Oregon. We should be heading that way in next feed days. Currently at our Denver terminal waiting for a load. Thanks again

Since we're going on a 3-day old thread here - the meat has probably already been eaten or gone bad.

So Sammy - what did the final outcome on the problem end up being?

BTW - Dometic is one of the top manufacturers of mobile refrigeration & A/C solutions for decades. I think my '72 VW Camper had a Dometic refrigerator in it. Chances are the OEM refrig is Sam's truck - is a Dometic.


Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Hey James How are you doing. Just wondering what stage are in u at MTC. Still training or did u solo out already. I'm with MTC as well in my first week of training OTR. currently at Denver terminal waiting on a load. Hit me up ✌🏻️

Been with May now since June I must say a great company love it

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