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Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Failed pre employment drug screen 4 THC after being off a month.
Ok thanks. Guess I'll go back to my old career. Would you happen to know if that failed test will show up for a job that is not a CDL position?
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Failed pre employment drug screen 4 THC after being off a month.
So I was taking a a break from driving and had a joint. Thought it would be out of my system when I started applying for another driving job. MRO called me b4 sending results to company, sense level was so low asking if I took something to give a false positive. My question is when failing a previous employment drug test and I apply to a different company will the new company see those results even though they did not hire me or was employed by them? Thanks
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Failed pre-employment drug screen
Did any one ever find out if you fail a pre employment drug test and you go to apply for another place and pass will the new company see the failed one?
Posted: 3 years ago
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Had my CDL sense 2015, Just got an at fault in my personal vehicle. Am I screwed?
So I slid on some ice in my apartment complex and hit a parked car. No police report or tickets. But insurance said they would report it to my MVR. Does anyone have knowledge in this situation? Will I need to report it to my current company and will it raise their insurance rates or anything else. It's a small company not like any of the mega carriers.