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Rookie Solo Driver
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Posted: 8 years ago
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Anyone in Sprimo this weekend?
::::pouts and stomps foot::::
Haha well meet up. I've already run into Kanelin a few times and Robby almost ran me off the road in KY on I65. Hahahah
Just kidding he was driving very safely.
I didn't want to interrupt your singing concert!!
Posted: 8 years ago
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Welcome, Dan!! No need to lurk...jump on in and join the frivolity!!
Posted: 8 years ago
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I thought that was you! You were either taking on the phone or singing up a storm! Lol
I'm at a pilot between Nashville and Memphis...literally in the middle of nowhere, on I-40. I was heading south like you...just left my 01 after sitting for six hours. I passed by you just south of Louisville at a blazing 62mph! lol
At least neither of us are up in the northeast! Be safe. Next time I'll pull in front of you and slam on my brakes! lol
Posted: 8 years ago
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We're you headed south on I-65 out of Louisville, KY around 17:30-18:00 today? If not, you have a doppelganger that also drives a teal Prime truck!
Posted: 8 years ago
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Can you take dump while driving? I know it's nasty but I was thinking...
Check the sporting goods department of most stores....they sell a small portable toilet...it even flushes. Just pull over and go....
Posted: 8 years ago
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Thanks everyone!! The start of my second load was rather eventful....I had to cross the Chesapeake Bay Bridge today. BIG flashing sign warned of dangerous winds. I had an empty trailer! So, what did I do? What we all should do when facing obstacles in our lives...I prayed! Just as I was approaching the bridge, the winds shifted and became a tail wind. Not once going over the bridge did the truck or trailer rock! Yeah....that just happened! Thank You Lord!!!
Posted: 8 years ago
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I love lunch breaks... what are you having or had for your lunch? Any pics?
Robby, your post is eerily uncanny. The coincidence is remarkable. I'm doing the very exact same thing you are. At my receiver waiting for a new load, grabbing a bite to eat. Tuna, peanut butter & honey. New truck, no fridge or microwave yet.
Great minds, Brother....great minds!!!
Posted: 8 years ago
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Prime Bound
Congrats and welcome to Prime!!!