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Considering A Career
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Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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All I gotta say is try Werner, trust me.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Oh, I was told it was 10 years from an instructor at the school, I could always call and ask since it never hurts and the worst I can get is "no". I will put in applications at Werner and Transam ASAP, and I got my CDL thru a driving school locally. Thank you for the help. :)
Schneider has a 5 year DUI policy, unless it recently changed? Did you talk to a recruiter from Schneider?
Try Werner or TransAm. How did you go about getting your CDL?
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Must have implied that I didn't want to work for Swift, do apologize for that, I've put in an application with them, I'm looking for any other recommendations, as I've learned very very quickly I don't have the luxury of being picky with my driving record being what it is.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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So, after using the search feature, and lurking, the only company I could find that may/might/maybe/possibly hire me is Swift.
So, my two tickets are 70 in a 55 and 74 in a 55, both from this year. (Not reckless according to VA, but reckless according to the trucking industry.) I was going way too fast enjoying the music, so now I get to pay for it, in a different way. Also have a DUI from 2010, and a driving on suspended from 2011. I've already called/talked to Prime, Stevens, Western Express, Wil-trans (They do CDL school but they don't hire inexperienced drivers?), and I think that's it. Schneider I've been told has a 10 yr DUI policy, TMC does have a 10 yr DUI policy. All those are a "Nope, sorry."
Before I forget, I have no experience, literally just got my CDL, so I would doubt any local companies would hire me.
So, any other companies besides Swift that I could put an application in at?
Have an application in at PTL also, they called me back and I'm assuming they're doing background check stuff, or perhaps saw the two tickets and went "Nope." Gotta keep my head up and hope I can get a foot in the door, SOMEWHERE! Anywhere, at this point honestly.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Two speeding Tickets! Yay!
So, just to update, got a call from Werner and I goto orientation on Halloween, now I just have to remember the only colors there are is Red, Yellow, and Green. XD
But, to anyone reading this in the future, try Werner, they give people a shot who don't have the best of driving records, thankfully. Also, if you need this advice for a company, then take my advice, change yer driving habits, even one ticket isn't worth having to go over and stress about.
Also, new goal, 5 years with no tickets! That's a good start, at least.