Profile For William K.

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    8 years, 4 months ago

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Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Hi, William, welcome to Trucking Truth. Yes, there lots of information here, just check out the links across the top of this page.

As for your questions about truck ownership, TT takes a pass. We focus on getting new drivers into good situations and help in starting their company driver career. For the finer points of ownership and leasing, you might check with the Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA.COM)

Thank you. I'm going to work on finding some newer input on here. I posted this, because most of what I found through simple searches, before registering was pretty old, and I know things can change over time. As was stated with the lease, not something I'd jump into, just curious on first hand info, because it's hard to find. I will try the forums you stated. Thank you for the information. Being new here, it is helpful.

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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Thank you g town.. . I'm new to here as is probably obvious. My experience with the site before was Google searching and checking forums. Most of the forums ere pretty old, but now being a member I will see if I find anything more recent, like you did, until some responses come in.

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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I'm currently in the process of switching over to interstate distributor, from a small company, that other than good pay, for only having 3 months experience, is a complete nightmare. I was hoping to find some people who have inside knowledge on this company. I'm not too worried about pay, as I live in a cheap area, and don't have the experience to demand top notch pay. What I'm looking for is a company that is somewhat organized and at least treats it's employees with Some measure of respect.

Also, I would like if anyone with some knowledge on it, would be able to give me first hand info on their lease purchase program. I seem that typical lease programs are highway robberies, but interstate seems to have a far better set up program, which gets you a good warranted truck, with no obligation to drive for them, no money down, unless you get something extravagant, no balloon and with reasonable payments, plus a one dollar buy out, plus free business courses to help you get going, with three only requirement being putting in some time as a company driver. I know typically lease is purchase is not the way to go, nor is it something I'd jump into. I've read too many horror stories to jump into that situation. I was just curious because they seem set up different and it peaked my interest a bit. If anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated.

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