Southeast, KS
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Rookie Solo Driver
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Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Anyone in Sprimo this weekend?
I'm here. My truck is in the shop getting the APU fixed.
Posted: 7 years, 12 months ago
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Game: Name something funny or stupid that happened recently
I pulled away from a dock and the trailer jerked. I thought the trailer brakes were frozen up so checked them and they were released. Pulled away and felt a bump. I completely forgot there was a wheel chock placed in front of the left tire. What is really stupid is I walked right past it. All well there was no damage and no one was hurt, except my pride.
Posted: 8 years ago
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No go @ Prime, any thoughts on knight?
I drive for Prime and don't have a hazmat endorsement. It is not required. What IS required is a tanker endorsement, TWIC card and Passport.
Posted: 8 years ago
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Backing. Would practice with a pickup and a 5th wheel travel trailer help me prepare?
Easier? Interesting. I understand the physical differences now, but how is it easier? Thanks!
The 53' is easier to see, just my opinion. Also a small trailer is easier to jack knife because it can get sideways a whole lot quicker. Don't ask me how I know this.
Posted: 8 years ago
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Frustrations training with Prime on the road
My request for a new trainer got denied. Got told by my FM to stick it out. Said he's not sure getting a new trainer will fix anything.
That is very unfortunate. Get in contact with someone higher up. Calmly explain your situation and I wish you the best.
When I went through Prime's training, my trainer would let me decide if I wanted to back at first. Most of the time he would stand outside and observe and help me out if I got into a situation he felt I needed help with.
The best advice is that backing will and does take practice.
Posted: 8 years ago
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Good old truck music for all the trucking
18 Wheels and A Dozen Roses by Kathy Mattea.
Rolling On by Merle Haggard
Prisoner of the Highway by Ronnie Milsap
Teddy Bear by Red Sovine
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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I'll be heading to Wisconsin soon and I just had a quick question. It may seem silly but I was hoping to get some tips before getting behind the wheel. Soooo......
How do you make sure to keep the trailer straight when driving? One piece of advice I have been given by a friend who drives is he lines his left hand up with the center line and it usually keeps straight. Just wanted everyone else's opinion becaise thats the biggest fear I have. Get out to drive on the road for training, the trailer gets out of hand and hits a car or God forbid a person.....
My truck has the 2 mirrors on the hood. I line up the left one with the white line. Works most of the time and keeps the trailer in the lane.
I have pulled trailers in the past that off tracked to the right but it wasn't a big deal.
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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The gadget post got me thinking about things. The one thing is safety. I have a smoke/CO detector installed in my sleeper of my truck.
So does anyone else?
Never thought about it. Great idea though. On my way for Home Time. I think I'll pick one up. Just remember CO is heavier than air, and the detector should be mounted closer to the floor. Do you have the combo unit or seperate ones? Thanks for the idea!
I have the combo unit mount about eye level when standing up. I mounted to a cabinet with double sided tape.
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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The gadget post got me thinking about things. The one thing is safety. I have a smoke/CO detector installed in my sleeper of my truck.
So does anyone else?
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Prime Testing Out
Congratulations! When I trifecta'd with Prime last November, I was in shock. Again congrats, I am sure it was a huge weight taken off your shoulders.