Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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Just graduated from a 6 week CDL course at Hawkeye Community College Regional Trucking Center in Waterloo, Iowa this week. I start orientation on Oct 31st which is Monday. I am excited and a little nervous all at the same time.
Most of my life I have wanted to give trucking a chance. Thanks to my last job I am able to pursue this course. I love to drive everywhere with the family and friends. This is my mid life career change to being able to travel the U.S. and see some of this great country of ours by getting paid to do it. I know its not all going to be fun and games, but I will try to make an adventure out of it the best that I can.
I decided to do this diary to keep track of my adventures in this career change. Something to look back on in the coming years.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Day 1 in truck with trainer and sleeping berth
Yesterday morning when when my trk trainer was driving I saw a semi/trailer laying on its side on an exit ramp just south of the twin cities. Truckers have to be careful out here. I tried to point it out to my trainer but he was a little busy talking. At least he is a talker and not quite all time. That would make me a little more nervous I think.
He picked me up around 3pm and he drove until we got outside of Cedar Rapids heading to Minnesota to pick up a load. I do have to say that driving his truck (10 spd) is a LOT nice than the trucks at the school. His truck has around 170,000 miles on it. We stopped in a truck stop across the road from a Love's just outside of Albert Lea, Minn. When we found a place to park he got out and directed me a little bit. He said I did pretty good. He was telling me one student he had it took him over 30 minutes to back into a spot.
Well I have to say that sleeping in the sleeper berth on the top was not all that comfort. But I was tired so I slept most of the night. We got up around 0500 hours and took off shortly after that. I did all the driving. We dropped off an empty trailer and picked up a load of scrap paper and cardboard. Safety Trainer Tim back in orientation said to never open a trailer door with a load of scrap and cardboard without a net in place because it could fall out and kill you. Evidently it had happen or the person got hurt badly. My trainer open the door with no net in place.
This is my first time pulling a trailer with a load. Boy there is a big difference in driving with a loaded trailer. When we were leaving Mankato, Minn my trainer said he is going to get a stick to hit my hand every time I handshake the gear shifter, lol. So since we did not know what our load weighed, we were going to stop into a CAT Scales in Albert Lea. Well I drove right past the off ramp. He said to make sure you pay attention to the signs along the highway. I think he was playing games on the Qualcomm because he was not paying attention. Any DOT scales we saw on the way back to Iowa were closed. I did manage to hit the Clear Lake exit so we weighed ourselves there. We were under weight.
Took our 30 minute break there which I did need. Then we were on our way to Cedar Rapids, Iowa to drop off this load at the paper mill. He said I pulled into the gate area too fast. He yelled and I yelled back saying, What? Dude you about gave me a heart attack. He says, you!? What about me!? I did not think I was going that fast. But I did not argue with him, he is the boss. Going up on the scale he said I was a little close to the right side of the edge of the scale. We got our paperwork and dropped the loaded and picked up the empty.
Signing off.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Well today we were picked up by our instructor Tim in the company van. He showed us the top two accounts here in Cedar Rapids by driving thru the yards showing and giving us tips. Tip #1: When going to the Paper Mill take the second exit ramp, not the first since you cannot turn left at it. After about an hour we went back to the terminal for class. We covered a lot of ground today. Tim showed us how to weigh the axles on the tractor and trailer and how to move the 5th wheel and the tandems. Tim advised us early that the speed limit inside the yard is 10 mph and to have our hazard lights on. Someone should have said something to this grumpy driver who came in. Some of my fellow classmates said he was doing like 25 and when Tim talked to him about the scale, this driver acted very grumpy. We didn't let him ruin our day.
In the yard I did get to see a guy I used to work with at a past job. Plus he was about a month ahead of me at Hawkeye and getting hired here at West Side. It was nice to touch base with him. I didn't get to see Sue today if she stopped. Today we lost another student. The first one I don't know exactly why she left. Someone said she had a family emergency and another one said something about the physical. The one we lost today lives next door to my city and went to the six week course at Hawkeye. They took her away today. Reason for her was some or one of the meds she is on is on the list that is not allowed by drivers to take. A narcotic of some sort.
Now we all can fit in the minivan for transportation from the hotel and back. The younger kid that picked us up today and Monday is a lot friendlier than the one from yesterday. Yesterday guy acted like he didn't want to talk to us. Oh well, his lost! : ) I think this group of classmates is a pretty good group. We help each other out. Two students got their trucks today due to they have a lot of prier experience. The dude left half way thru the day and the girl is sleeping in her truck tonight at the yard and will leave sometime tomorrow. I like her attitude and she is funny. Three classmates are going out for two weeks of training with a driver instructor. They have prier experience. One is a Hub Driver out of the Quad Cities and the other two I am not sure of. Myself and the remaining classmate are going out for four weeks of training.
Today I was advised that I am getting a new training instructor in the truck. The other one had a family emergency. So this new one is a fellow guy and lives in Minnesota somewhere. Anna said I might only get one day in the truck before he takes home time. I told her that is fine by me. I am sure I will get my time in the truck. Hopefully he is a decent instructor. We always hear about rude instructors and how negative some of them are and are only in it for the extra pay.
I had to take a trip home after class today. Evidently the company needs two years of my W2s for employment verification. My recruiter said otherwise if they call the employee verification number that they have to pay like $30. Whatever. I also picked up a few things I forgot to grab the first time. Plus I got to see my babies (3 cats) and my mom gave me some healthy snacks. Thanks Mom!
Time to sign off!
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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I forgot that we also had to fill out a paper where those of us that take a truck home as to where we are going to park it. I called the Flying J in Elk Run and they said only for 24 hrs can park there. The Road Ranger across the road, sort of. They only allow for 24 hrs. Flying J did say that you can reserve a spot for $12 a day. Forget that. One of my classmates has permission from one of the Hy-Vee's in our area to park there behind the building free of charge. So I gave them call to get permission for myself as well. So hopefully not too many drivers do this already and I should be able to park there on my days off.
I did call both Walmart's. Waterloo said 24 hours. Cedar Falls said no and that they kick them off the property. Reason why was given? Because some of these truckers dump their garbage and cigarette buds on the ground. So a few ruined it for all of us. And one of the West Side Personnel has to approve it before we do. Evidently we cannot park at our home even if we have the room. At least we get to bring it close to home then perhaps of having to back track to the house after dropping off the equipment.
The end.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Well today we had to take a hazmat test that is done every three years. This company does not haul hazmat, but we will haul I think it was empty batteries which does not require the trailer to be placard which is fine by me and my fellow classmates. As a matter of fact a few spoke up asking that they believed that we did not have to get a hazmat endorsement. Instructor said no which really did put everyone as ease including myself.
We got out at 5 pm again today but did not get picked up until about 5:45 pm. Everyone did not mind too much since it turned out to be a beautiful day. Tomorrow the instructor Tim is supposedly going to show up how to slide the tandems (watched a video of him on youtube before I came here). There is an 80% of rain. He told us to bring our raincoats. I don't see why he couldn't bring the unit into the garage where it is dry. I guess we will find out tomorrow. Two classmates will get their trucks tomorrow due to that they have lots of over the road experience. One is regional midwest like me and the other is fleet over the road and going to be out 3 to 4 weeks at a time if she desires too.
For us that are Midwest Regional will be out 1 week at a time with 2 days at home. For me this is my first time in my life to be far away from home for an extended period of time. I am looking forward to it. I know that there will be good days and bad days and there may even be days that I may want to quit. Of my past jobs I have felt like that before, but I stuck it out and I hope that I do hear as well. So far it sounds like a good company and the holiday pay we will get after being here for so many years "far exceeds" anything I have ever seen. Vacation time is not too shabby either. My last job I was receiving 3 weeks which was very nice.
Getting back to the classroom time for today. We signed up for the insurance plans that we want to receive. Of course if everything goes okay in the probationary period that will start after 60 days I believe. And for the 401k we have to wait 6 months for which is fine. We went over a ton of paperwork for training. Some of us in class believe that training should be at least a week. The amount of knowledge that they are cramming into our brains is overwhelming sometimes. Of course we will go over it with our trucker instructor. So either tomorrow or Thursday we are supposed to do a drive test with a lady (cannot remember her name) from Kentucky with a heavy accent to us. To her we have the accent, funny. It will be in a 10 spd and one backing up as well. Most of the backing up to park I can do okay, it's the 45 angle parking that I might struggle at for a while. We did it only a few times at CDL School. I understand the concept, but my trailer never seemed too (ha! ha!).
Again thank you Sue D. for your comment. I do appreciate those.
Signing off!
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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First off let me say thank you to Sue regarding your last comment. We got out today at 5 pm and to top it off the shuttle was late and the driver showed up in a minivan. There are 10 of us in our class, one lives in the area so he goes home and the rest of us are staying at the Clarion.
We started the day out in class. Then about an hour to two later we all jumped into a big - full size van and off we went to get a physical which was a little different than the one I received before 6 week CDL school. On the way, back the shuttle driver drove us through West Side's new to be office and trailers parking and fuel station. So far it's not too bad looking, of course it is new. When we got back our lunch was waiting for us that we ordered from Hy - Vee's. The company pays for this. I had the salmon with steamed vegetables (which were to be desired), the salmon was not too bad along with a dinner roll. Tomorrow I might try the baked chicken with two sides.
We went over some power points and paperwork. We listened to Anna (who assigns the driver trainers to new recruits) talk about what to expect and so forth. So far she seems nice as does most of the people I have meant here. Meant my recruiter Amy Northup which also was very nice. I also meant my trucking instructor (Michelle) who seems to be nice. We will be spending the next 4 weeks together except for her days off. I was informed she is taking two additional days off next week. So, I will be in a hotel somewhere just south of Chicago I think. They said I get paid while I am there. I might have to go see a movie that starts this Friday.
We had more classroom time and then was sent home with lots of paperwork and a quiz to complete. It was about payroll mostly and anything related to it. I wish this trucking company would allow cats as well in trucks besides dogs. I would be willing to pay a little extra to have one of two of them with me. It will take some adjustment to being away from them. I don't have kids, so cats are my substitute. Time to sign off and relax before bed time.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Starting Orientation and training with West Side Transport in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Well I made it to the hotel here in Cedar Rapids. So far the hotel is not too bad from what I have seen of it. The email from the Recruiter says that class starts at 800 am prompt. I wonder how long the training last each day. One question that I did not ask. Of course all this is new to me as I know it is with a lot of other people.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Thank you Sue for the advice. I am thinking of getting my own room and I look forward to meeting you sometime.
Safe travels out there!
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Hey Sue, just wanted to say Hi! I have been reading some of your posts. I start orientation on Monday at West Side in Cedar Rapids. I am a little nervous and yet excited at the same time. I live just northeast of Cedar Rapids. I went to a local community college for the CDL course and graduated this week. I like seeing your posts about West Side.
If I make it to having a instructor, I hope I get a good decent one. I have read horror stories of new drivers getting instructors that are only in it for the money or are mean. I suppose with any job, they have their good people and not so good people. I was wondering. I asked the recruiter and she said yes that we get to bring the trucks home or to the closest truck stops to leave on our days off. Do you know if we can bring a truck to the house?
Hope to hear from ya and any advice you can give before I start I will appreciate. Also, when you stayed at the Clarion, did you have to room with someone?
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Didn't Work Out
Well it didn't work out for me at West Side. I have nothing bad to say about the company. It was a mix of the driver trainer and myself that got the best of me and I will leave it that. So now it is nearly a month later and I am starting training with another company here in Iowa. It is a little smaller than the other. Same benefits and starting pay is higher and the best part after I am done with training I can take one or two of my cats with me in the truck. The other company only allowed dogs. I am super excited that I can have one of my cats with me. So when one of those days that I am lonely, hopefully my cat can pick up my spirits.
On Monday I am going with a trucker that has a stick shift. We will be headed out to someplace in Ohio. Then the following three weeks will be with the original trainer who is currently out west on special runs and his truck is an automatic. Sounds like I might be getting the truck I test drove which was a stick. But I don't mind. To me it shifts better that the school trucks and the past trainer in C. R.. It is a newer truck and a Kenworth. The transportation Director said that in 2018 they are going to have all automatic trucks. When I started out my test drive to determine if they were going to take me on or not (they don't have a program in place a 100%, but have trained new and old truck drivers before) I had to stop in the middle of the roadway. I was trying to get used to the shifting of this truck and as I drove the course they had which was on rural highways I did much better. When we got back to the trailer drop off (where we hooked up to it), the director asked me if I wanted him to back the trailer in since I don't have a whole lot of experience. I asked him, if he didn't mind but that I wanted to try to do it. With a little help from him and I get it in the spot with hardly any problems. I said sorry it took me a while and he said, don't apologize. I have seen veteran drivers take much longer than what I did. He said he liked what I did.
So after doing another drug and physical test I was hired on. So far I like what I have seen of this place. He said I will be home on the weekends during training and home for Christmas. I did talk to him of my experience with the last trainer and I think they want this to work out for me as well for them. Another part of getting the job is my age (maturity, if you say so) and my last job for the amount of time I worked there which was eight years. The driver I am jumping in with tomorrow said if I have any refrigerated food to bring it. He has plenty of room in his fridge. The last company the guy never offered to share room. This company knows all of their drivers by their names and has the family atmosphere that I am looking for. They have less than 75 trucks and drivers are mostly living in the midwest, but a few do live further out east and southeast. I hope this place works out because I want to be able to put my roots in some place that I like. I don't want to be like a lot of drivers I have seen that bounce from company to company. Of course I might get mad at something they do. But tell me what company that doesn't happen at? I liked my last job and would still be there if circumstances were different. There were times I wanted to quit, but never did without at least having another opportunity lined up.
And Sue thank you again for your comments. Since I have switched to a different company I won't blame you if you do not want to comment on my stuff. I just don't think that was the place for me. At this place so far I feel way better being here than I did there.
Signing Off!