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Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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TruckingTruth Article: Self Driving Vehicles Are Coming Soon You Say? I Say Please Stop Clowning Us
There isn't enough paper. There aren't enough letters in the alphabet. There aren't enough words in the dictionary to list all the possible "points-of-failure" involved in putting a driver-less vehicle on the average US Interstate highway.
I've spent 30 years working in system automation (most recently in offshore drilling system automation), so I can speak with some small amount of authority. There is no way in hell that this little experiment will survive the first crash involving a fully-loaded, autonomous "semi" taking out a car-load of humans on a family vacation to "where-ever" America.
Truck loads of lawyers will be billing until the cows come home!
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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Why you should learn to "float the gears"
Is there some advantage to double clutching?
No, there really isn't.
But once in a while you'll try floating gears and get stuck in gear for whatever reason. Like say for instance you're starting down a hill and you're loaded heavy. You're not paying attention cuz a pretty girl was walking down the sidewalk and you let your rpm's hit the governor before you tried shifting. Now you can't get it out of gear. You try "kicking" the throttle hoping when you let off quickly it pops out of gear but you're already at the governor so hitting the throttle does nothing. And you're being pushed downhill by the load you're carrying so it won't slow down quickly enough on its own to pop out of gear when you let off the throttle. You're stuck in gear. The only way to release the pressure off the gears so you can get it out of gear is to push in the clutch.
So knowing how to double clutch at least gives you that instinct to hit the clutch if its stuck in gear. But I mean, that's a stretch. That's not even double clutching but at least I get a point for thinking up a reason to use your clutch when shifting!
Other than the fact that the manufacturer of the transmission (Eaton-Fuller) prescribes it in order to prolong the life of the transmission, no, there is no advantage to "double clutching."
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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TruckingTruth Article: Self Driving Vehicles Are Coming Soon You Say? I Say Please Stop Clowning Us
It's late and I don't wish to start into another long thread, but i will just say that, IMHO, we (they) are trying to solve the wrong problem. We don't need automated vehicles so much as we need automated roadways. It's the environment that these vehicles will operate in that is the real problem. It's total chaos out there and there isn't a computer built that could do it. At least not one that would fit under the hood of your average automobile.
No, we need to take control of the stream of vehicles on the highway essentially turning them into a virtual train. Oops, there I go off on a tangent that i said I wasn't going enter ... can we pick this up later?