Colorado Springs, CO
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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Posted: 11 years, 5 months ago
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Which companies will hire a rookie driver with a drug felony that's 30 years old?
Yes, I went through a legitimate school. It was Springs Truck Driving School which is a 160+ hour class which is 100% "in the truck" since they don't have a classroom. I'm very happy with the way they teach and I learned more than I ever thought I would. Thanks for the input everyone, I will keep plugging away, waiting for the one lucky company to finally say yes. I say lucky them because I know I will be an excellent driver once I get started and I do not want to jump from one company to another; I am looking for long term employment. Keep your ears open for me and comment here if you have any other input.
Posted: 11 years, 5 months ago
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Which companies will hire a rookie driver with a drug felony that's 30 years old?
I have been calling & asking; putting in app's left & right but as soon as they find out I have a felony it's game over. I thought getting a CDL would change things for me but I'm starting to think it was just a big waste of time. There must be some people out there that have gone through this before me. Where should I be looking? What am I doing wrong? I can't lie about it or it will just come back to haunt me later. I need to get working so I can take care of my family.
Posted: 11 years, 5 months ago
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Which companies will hire a rookie driver with a drug felony that's 30 years old?
In 1984 I was convicted of possession of 1 gram of cocaine. Since I would not snitch on my friends I did a year in Community Corrections after sitting in jail for 3 months. I do not mess with drugs now and can pass a test anyday, anytime. How can I get a company to look at me and give me a chance? I have my CDL class A with endorsements for tankers & doubles/triples. I know I will be a great driver if I can just get in the door somewhere and get started.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Quick question....Going downhill ...
Being nervous might keep you alive but stay alert and in control. I can't speak to your trainers' behavior or the condition of your equipment. My behavior when going downhill is to use whatever gear necessary along with the jake to keep the RPM's about 1500 and avoid excessive braking. If you can smell the brakes then they are burning or at least overheating and are at risk of failing. Burning the brakes is abusing the equipment and a good mechanic will know it. You can go down a hill safely at a moderate rate of speed many times over but it only takes one time going too fast with failing brakes to experience the wrong way and end your career and maybe your life or the lives of others. I live in Colorado and put on more than 3000 miles weekly in and around surrounding states so I speak from experience. I hope this helps you.