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Posted: 11 years, 6 months ago
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Failed my road test Yesterday.
I psyched myself out, and let my nerves get to me. So I am going to swallow my pride and just go thru Swifts Academy in Phoenix. My dad is a 45 yr veteran trucker, he said all it will do is just make me a better driver in the long run, so here goes. I have my cdl's but obviously I need to get more practice in
Posted: 11 years, 6 months ago
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Taking a road test Monday for Swift
Hey guys, I'm Sean. I am taking my road test for Swift Monday the 19th. I got my cdl's back in 2010 but due to problems at home I wasn't able to go out with a trainer at Werner. The Swift Recruiter Laura was really cool and said they would work with me. What advice do any of you have for me, I am nervous. I grew up around trucks but that is a lot different than driving one. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Driving truck is my dream job since I was a little kid.
Posted: 11 years, 5 months ago
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Made it thru the Swift Academy, WOO HOO
Hey everyone, I am back. Been a grueling 18 straight days but I made it. Granted I already hade my CDL but obviously needed the refresher. The instructors were great and very patient, they remember what it was like to learn how to drive one of these trucks. I saw some come thru with that negative attitude and guess what, they failed and not once did I hear them admit it was their mistake. Always either the instructors, the equipment, or it was just stupid. One guy was wanting them to put us in one of the new trucks for practice, lmao. There is no way in hell the school is goin to let a bunch of rookies destroy a nice new truck. My advice to anyone getting ready. To attend any company. Sponsored school, leave your attitude behind you, forget what you think you know about driving truck, and just be a sponge. I did even with me having my CDL and you know what? I learned some cool. Stuff I didn't know and better ways of doing things. I start orientation on Monday and Flatbed class right after. Will keep you all posted, drive safe and God Bless the truck drivers