Profile For Dirtyred

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Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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Taking awhile for my background check.

Thanks. I'm looking forward to starting this career and nervous. I'm expecting more downs than ups my first year but I believe I can work through it.

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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Taking awhile for my background check.

Update. Got my CDL went with a private school and have orientation with Schneider on the 25th.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Trucking as a way to help pay for college?

I know what I am about to say really doesn't have much to do with Trucking, but If you want to take care of college debt or have a way of paying for future college, join the military. Do 3 years. You won't touch the benefits you receive from being in the military anywhere else. Pay kinda sux in the beginning, but it does in trucking too. If you really want to drive trucks, you can do it in the military. Or at least learn to drive large pieces of equipment. I know I have a very skewed view from spending 17+ years in the military. If you already have a Bachelors degree you can enter military service in the pay grade of E4.

I was going to recommend the same thing.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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End of my career before it started

1st The V.A. is a broken system so issues should come as no surprise. 2nd Don't be surprised if the V.A. doesn't let you off the hook for the money now. 3rd. You cant speak your mind so bluntly to civilians in a position of authority/power like that. I doubt you would have talked to your commander in their office like that so freely? 4. Try other schools or company sponsored programs. Disclaimer my advice is just being given as a fellow veteran and not as anyone with any trucking experience.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Taking awhile for my background check.

Those checks cost $ and OS is right. You could change your mind before then so why would they spend the $ until they have to?

If you are that worried, have you tried other companies?

No I haven't I know I shouldn't put all my eggs in one basket. I just really want this to work out with this company. This is the company I want to work for and make a career with. They told me the class date that I would be going to after every thing clears is the 29th of Jan. So if I don't hear back closer to that date then I will move on. Until then I will just keep studying the H.R.T. program on here.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Taking awhile for my background check.

Well, with that added information you've made me think they are just holding off on getting your background check done until they are closer to your start date. They are very busy, and they may be prioritizing their efforts on those who are just about to start. Maybe you'll have to be patient. It will be a good exercise for you - trucking is full of "hurry up and wait" moments.

meant "until" the end of Jan. class date. But that makes sense to take care of all the future drivers whose class date starts the 1st of Jan. first. Just would like the peace of mind of a for sure class date for me.

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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Taking awhile for my background check.

That's excessive. I'd start working on some other applications. I would also call this one every day and let them know you are anxious to get started. This shouldn't take but a few days at the most.

I thought so too. They did warn me that they wouldn't be able to get me in to the class date that starts at the end of Jan. But I'm good with that I just want the for sure class date approval.

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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Taking awhile for my background check.

How long do background checks typically take? I know holiday season and all but its going on almost a month. I called my recruiter a week and a half ago and they brought up my file and told me they are still waiting on my background check. Its been almost a month from the start of this process and this is the hold up.

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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Will I have to wait?

Be sure to list employment time as "DirtyRed's DayCare" owner operator to show continuous self-employment

They just had me get someone to sign a paper saying I was unemployed during the breaks that I was not enrolled in school. After I explained my situation they did not make it seem like a big deal like the Wil-Trans recruiter did. They just called the person I had sign their document and then they went and called and verified all the different schools I attended. If this works out this will be an over-all better situation for me as the school and the company headquarters is local to me. I would imagine this will work out if all they are waiting for is my background check. If I was able to attain a secret clearance in the military and guard nukes then I would imagine I would be cleared for atleast a chance.

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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Will I have to wait?

Things are looking up for me atleast for now. I found a company that was willing to accept my history of school enrollment as the verifiable work history requirement. They are just waiting on my background check to come in now before they will schedule me a class date. I was told I do not need to get my permit or DOT physical first. I was looking at the schedule it says that I would go to orientation first then schooling. I would imagine that the DOT physical is done in orientation.So my question is would I test for my permit in the orientation or is that done like the first week of schooling?

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