Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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Queenie On The Web
I'm 46 and in need of an awesome career. Really feel trucking is the answer, however I have so many questions. I need to make sure I can make it work with my family commitments.
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Brett~Thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate your advice. I will definetly continue to do research. Sue thank you for making me aware of other possible options. I just feel I could be doing something to gear me in the correct direction, to get on the road in the direction of my ultimate goal. :) Sue I was hoping you would reply lol I've been reading all your other replys. Rick ~ I work at a college which blesses me compensation to cover both my sons full tuitions. Thanks again to all! This site is beyond awesome!! Queenie
Queenie, the ONLY part time cdl-a jobs that I personally know of are with charter bus companies like Cavallo Bus Lines. Mind you that part time doesn't mean a few hours a day, but rather a few days a week.. up to 14 hour days where you will be away from home. BTW these jobs don't count as OTR experience by trucking companies as you wouldn't be driving a combination vehicle.
I completely agree with Brett. Persue your cdl-a about 3 months before you are ready to make this a full time career.
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Brett~Thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate your advice. I will definetly continue to do research. Sue thank you for making me aware of other possible options. I just feel I could be doing something to gear me in the correct direction, to get on the road in the direction of my ultimate goal. :) Sue I was hoping you would reply lol I've been reading all your other replys. Rick ~ I work at a college which blesses me compensation to cover both my sons full tuitions. Thanks again to all! This site is beyond awesome!! Queenie
Out of idle curiosity.
What kind of job do you "have to stay at" - and why?
Out of idle curiosity.
What kind of job do you "have to stay at" - and why?
Honestly, no there isn't. Part time in trucking is highly unusual and normally reserved for experienced drivers as maybe a fill-in for sick drivers or as a temporary seasonal worker, something like that. But no, it's highly unusual to find something part time in trucking, especially when you're new. Learning the trade is so involved and takes so much time that no one is likely to train a new driver for a part time position.
The best thing to do is come back here about 3 months before you're ready to get started and begin doing your research and studying.
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Hello~ I am considering going to school for my CDL A. I am at a job now that I must stay at for 2 more years. Are there part time options out there for me to get my feet wet driving during the next two years?
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Hoping this life is for me
Thanks Paul. I appreciate your reply.