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Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Gen Knowledge, Combination vehicles and Airbrakes
Thanks yall I just wanted to make sure so I wasnt wasting my time on things I wasn't going to need and I have been using the information and pretest on this site and they have been great but its starting to get into doubles and triples and tankers and I wasn't looking to go for any of those just yet plus I'm researching on whether or not I want to be company or lease with knight when I get done with their class
Some companies want tanker also. That section is short and easy. Don't bother with the doubles and hazmat.
The reason for tankers is that even in reefer or drive van you can ship liquids in totes. The moving liquid can create a surge similar to a tanker. At least that is the explanation my company gave me.
Cool thanks ill study that to just in case
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Gen Knowledge, Combination vehicles and Airbrakes
Thanks yall I just wanted to make sure so I wasnt wasting my time on things I wasn't going to need and I have been using the information and pretest on this site and they have been great but its starting to get into doubles and triples and tankers and I wasn't looking to go for any of those just yet plus I'm researching on whether or not I want to be company or lease with knight when I get done with their class
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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Hi yall I'm studying for my written but do I need to study the whole Manuel to just drive class a reefer or do I have to just study knowledge combination air brakes and pre trip
Posted: 8 years, 3 months ago
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What to study
thanks ill do that one to