Profile For Sharron R.

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Planning to get my CDL this Summer!! I'm a bit of a loner, so driving OTR sounds cool to me, eventually with a dog as my co-pilot, lol.

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Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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Advanced Career Institute, Visalia, CA, Start on Monday 12/19

Thank you Troy!!!! πŸ˜€

Amen and good luck to you!!

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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Advanced Career Institute, Visalia, CA, Start on Monday 12/19

The power of prayer!!

My original plan was starting school this Summer, as all my financial options weren't opening up any doors. I was even on the hunt for a part time job so I could pay them cash by Summer. Literally overnight... my dreams were already coming true... prayers answered. Everything was flowing and all falling into place. I'm still like... WowπŸ˜„ !!! Since I work graveyard, my class schedule will be 1:30p-8pm, Monday-Friday.

Have a great weekend and stay safe!!


Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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When to apply with Trucking Companies?

All great ideas!!! Thank you everyone!!!! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

John L wrote:


If any of the companies that you are considering have terminals nearby, you may want to arrange a visit with a recruiter there. If you are able, be sure to ask to meet with one of the driver managers, drivers, mechanics, or anyone else who may be available.


In theory this would seem like a really great idea. However the likelihood of the above taking place is very low unless you are seeking employment from a smaller company. With the larger carriers, like the ones we typically consider in this forum, the recruiters are usually not working in the operation terminals unless said terminal happens to also be the corporate office (like Swift's Phoenix terminal). Even so most of the people John mentioned will not have the time or inclination to speak with you. Doesn't hurt to ask, but again not likely to happen.

If you speak with a driver...take any negativity you hear with a grain of salt. You won't really know who you are dealing with and have no way to verify their opinion whether fact, fiction, or somewhere in-between. The best place at a TS to speak with drivers is in the restaurants or coffee area. If someone wanting to learn about this business offers me a free coffee and I have the time, I'd talk to them. I'd stay away from the fuel desk, scale ramp and fuel pad though. Again overall not a bad idea,...but just be aware of the potential for extreme negativity. If something sounds screwy, it probably is.

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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When to apply with Trucking Companies?

Oh cool... thanksπŸ˜€

Hi Sharon,

I found this great post by a member called Thinkstoomuch titled List of Questions to ask a Recruiter. Type that into the search box.

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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When to apply with Trucking Companies?

Thanks!!! Yah besides what I'm learning on here... the coolest site ever... not sure what's good or bad. I've read that the 1st year it's all about learning, getting it all down than how much money I'll make... which by the way is already waaaaaay more than I've ever made lol... so I'm good with even the least amount. I definitely want to travel solo and with a dog, so I looked at a link one of our buddies on here shared with me (Errol I think). Oh and 1st company is usally a starter company. Other than that.. im sure there's lots more i haven't even thought of yet, lol.

Just an addendum to what John says, it was all good. He said to pare down your list from best to worst. That's good, that's what I did. I ended up working for the one I thought was the worst! The truth is that I didn't have a clue about what made one better than the other, I thought I did, but the reality was that I made the job what it was worth. You will find the same thing once you get started on establishing yourself out here.

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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When to apply with Trucking Companies?

Awesome thanks!!! I'm going to a private local school so I can continue working my full time job until I've graduated and set with a company. As of questions to ask.. what are some good, important questions newbies should ask??

Now is the best time to apply.

Get as many pre-hire letters as you can get - think dozens or better yet, several dozens - make a list of them and the benefits of each one.

When you have so many that you are overwhelmed, then you can start to par down the list. Do this slowly, and be sure that you have a good reason to keep, or remove, a company from your list.

Finally, you should have a short list of no more than six companies that interest you. Rank them from best to worst and you'll be set.

Some recruiters may not be very helpful knowing that your planing so far in advance, but most will work with you (and perhaps even try to convince you to start sooner, which simply means that they want you - not a bad thing...)

Your distance to any particular terminal is not important. All they are concerned with is if you are in their hiring area.

Are you looking for company sponsored training? Or will you be training with a private school, community college, or vocational school? Are you familiar with your training options?

Those are important questions to ask, now is the time to ask them, and you can find the answers right here on this website.

Keep asking questions and good luck!

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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CDL testing for me tomorrow...😳

Thoughts and Prayers for you!! You got this!!! You're going to be a great driver!!! good-luck.gif

Looks like I'll be testing for my CDL tomorrow...pre-trip, backing, and road trip. Any prayers, good wishes and/or thoughts would be GREATLY appreciated! Will be out on the yard practicing all day today...I think I can, I think I can, I think I! I really want to trifecta this puppy!

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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When to apply with Trucking Companies?

Hello... I won't be starting school to get my CDL until this Summer (June). Need to save money, take care of some things 1st, etc. Is it too soon to apply for OTR ? Knight terminal is the closest to me, although I can relocate if it's important and or a must to be close to terminals?? Home time for me personally is not too much of a priority, at least the 1st year.

ThanksπŸ˜€ Everyone be safe!!!


Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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Tips, Tricks, And Techniques For Rookie Drivers

To Rainy D and everyone sharing... Thank You!!! πŸ˜€ I'm already learning so much from you even though I haven't been to school yet (going this Summer). I love TT!! The more I read different forums, threads, etc... the more I can't wait to get in the truck!!!!


What are some of the things you learned on your own or needed to know that no one told you before you went solo? I thought we could use this thread to educate newbies ;)

What to do when you jump the fifth wheel ---

If thw landing gear is too high and you back under the trailer, the kingpin then gets "stuck" between the skid plate and the cab.

Easy fix. Drop the airbags, and place a hammer under the lower end of the skid plate. This will raise one end and flatten it. Then drive out from under trailer.

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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Hey Lisa!! Awesome about Prime! Be safe tooπŸ˜€

Hi! Same here! Going to prime on saturday. Stay safe! :-)

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