Galveston , TX
Driving Status:
Rookie Team Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 11 years ago
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I passed my driving test today
Grats on the CDL Chris. Who and where you orientating? Is that even a word?
It at pam I leave on them 2 of March
Posted: 11 years ago
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I passed my driving test today
Got my cdl today time to get ready for orientation what can I expect to be doing there?
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Passed all 5 written test thanks to the high road training on this site! :)
What do you mean it really paid off? It's free!
I am happy to hear of your successful. This is only the beginning, so keep your head up and keep studying! Good job Chris!
Penny saved is a penny earnd.:)
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Passed all 5 written test thanks to the high road training on this site! :)
Passed all of my CDL written exams in one. Studying the High Road Online CDL Training Program really paid off. Thank y'all for a great site the questions on the test in Texas were a little bit different than the high road training program but it is a great foundation. I recommend it highly. I passed in large part due to it I've got 13 days left that I can devote to learning to driving the course is only 15 days I'll keep y'all posted .
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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About Roadmaster truck driving school
Roadmaster Truck Driving School Review
I've narrowed it down to going to Roadmaster school or do the Pam sponsored training I'm leaning toward Roadmaster yet thay are expensive 6500.00 Pam is cheaper but I don't like the idea of a year contract plus I would like to drive a flatbed so any info on roadmaster would be appreciated I just want to thank y'all for the responc on my earlier ? Y'all know who you are the info has been helpful
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Looking for a good truck driving school in Texas ? Any suggestions
Witch is the best one to go to ?
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Just got accepted to Cr. England driving school
I would like any and all info about them and what to expect ? Start in 2 weeks will find out from driver solutions on Friday first part application process done
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Started applying to different company paid schools
Should not be an issue at all. They may ask for some type of verification in the form of tax papers or even notarized statements from friends that can vouch for the fact you were working for yourself.
No tax papers it was custom work for cash and art shows the main reason I was doing that is I was tacking care of my father in law did the home health and hospice I could take care of him and stay busy been thinking about driving for awhile and doing research and can't wait to get started
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Started applying to different company paid schools
My ? Is I've been self employed for the last 2 years doing custom woodworking just going to slow for me the job I had before that I worked for about ten years will this be an issue? If applied for Pam & CR England going to apply to all of them I live in Galveston tx. Not sure about hiring zones
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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I have now upgraded to first seat driver the adventure begins !
It's been a whirl wind 7 weeks. Two weeks on the road with my mentor has been great but I wish I had more time. At least I had a good mentor. I feel for the ones that are in it for the money. Mine really cared about what he does he showed me a lot. Even took a day to practice backing which is so important. I wish my shifting was better. My two weeks on the road was interesting. Saw a lot. Had a trucker almost take me out! My mentor said I handled it like a pro. It seems like a whole lot of hurry up and wait. 7 hours at a ford plant, 8 hours at kingsford, 8 hours in port author. Don't get me started on the Panama city run or the Laredo run. It has been the most challenging thing I have ever done and the most fun thing. I hope the newness doesn't ever wear off. Can't wait to see what is around the next bend !