Profile For Parth P.

Parth P.'s Info

  • Location:
    Allentown, PA

  • Driving Status:
    Considering A Career

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  • Joined Us:
    8 years, 2 months ago

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Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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The most beautiful stretch of highway

Well, first off, I am not a trucker but I plan to be in the future. The most beautiful stretch of highway I've ever been on is I-77 from Charlotte to VA and then I-81 connects all the way up to Maryland. The best thing about it is the Appalachian Mts. My family moved from Florida to Allentown, PA. Me and my dad were in a Budget box truck with our furniture. We didn't want to take I-95 cause it was a straight 1,000 mile drive so we switched it up a little. I can tell you it was totally worth it. Just beware when you are entering VA, the State Troopers there are always pulling over people for speeding since there are a lot of hills on I-81. I remember just when we were entering VA, there was a trooper right after the Welcome to Virgina sign and then we saw many more throughout the state. Truckers travelling on I-81 pretty much try to floor it and the 4 wheelers kinda have to back off there, but truckers also have good control over turns on downhill and uphill. Overall the scenery is gorgeous and there Is good amount of elevation that you have to go through since you are passing in the mountains. If you drive in early morning, you can see the sun rising behind the mountains. I loved every second of it. Also, they have made alot of truck stops on there for truckers, places like Love's and Flying J were the most I noticed were there.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Trucking vs. Software developer

Thank you so much for all the quick responses and the honest opinions. I believe that I will do trucking when I'm 21 yrs old and that's what makes me happy. I'm sure being in front of a laptop from 9-6 isn't gonna be fun at all. Again thank you alot for all the opinions, be safe all of you.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Trucking vs. Software developer

Theyre saying that they will pay for it and get me graduated from college.

I spent 20 years as an IT Project Manager. I drive a truck. You've got a no-win situation. Being a software developer isn't what it used to be. Caterpillar, Disney, Hertz, Southern California Edison and the University of California are just a handful of HUNDREDS of organizations who have laid off their IT departments and replaced them with cheaper workers from overseas with H-1B visas. Not only will you be competing with developers from overseas willing to do the same job for <$30k/yr., you'll be competing for the remaining jobs with the seasoned IT workers who were laid off after decades of service. There are more than 800,000 H-1B visa workers in the U.S. today and most of them work in IT.

Not all degrees are created equal. The old paradigm of having a B.A. in anything guaranteeing a middle-class life is long gone. Too often a degree only means years of debt and a low-paying service job. Thousands of degrees in Journalism are issued every year for a handful of jobs. Unless you really have the ambition to get a degree in a chosen field and that field has a shortage of workers and a high average salary college is a waste of money. Yes, you can say your read the classics and woke up naked on a stranger's lawn, but it's possible to do those things without $40k+ in loans. Much like drivers, a lot of college students don't make it past their first year.

Are your parents offering to pay for your degree or would you be taking out loans? Why do they think software is the way to go?

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Trucking vs. Software developer

Hello everyone I am a student from high school and I have read lots and lots of things about trucking. I think it would be a good career for me. But I have one little problem is that my parents want me to become a Software developer but I want to be a trucker. Now I've thought about doing 4 years of college for computer tech until I become 21 years old and then do trucking and keep the computer tech as a backup career. I wanted to ask you guys what your opinion would be in this situation. Thank you

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