Cincinnati, OH
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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I'm going to be there for CDL training, don't know if I'll see many actual drivers but that would be pretty cool. I'd love to pick his brain. Maybe talk someone into being my trainer?! .
I'm looking forward to it all. Reading these forums have helped me keep all the negative crap on the interwebs about Swift in perspective. I plan to be the best I can be at this lifestyle and make some good money for once in my life. That being said, those "what have I done" jitters are starting to set in as move out day approaches.
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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TruckingTruth Merchandise Available Soon! Need Advice.
I love hoodies, I'd buy one for myself and my daughter
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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I'm sure I'll have a tale or question or two! Unfortunately my time is going to be too short to get those before I leave. Really wish I could though. I'm going full Nomad, giving up my apt and storing my meager belongings, so I have lots to get organized or given away.
One thing I forgot to add in my initial post guys... The practice tests are cumulative. You won't only see questions on what you just read. As you progress through the modules things will pop up from earlier sections to make sure you KNOW it, not just remember seeing it. It seemed if I kept missing a question it kept coming up. Incorrect answers had a link back to where the information was... whaaaat?! No other testing I found was so much fun learning, and definitely not as efficient
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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For anyone interested or curious about how well The High Road really can work to help passing the written tests and getting that CLP, let me suggest you use the tools. I spent a week or two reading the information and taking the practice tests. Honestly I barely looked at my Ohio booklet (really only to cross check some things I'd heard were different). I took the General Knowledge, Air Brakes and Combinations tests today and pretty much aced them. Had a couple brain freezes on things I knew that I knew, but all in all The High Road absolutely had me well prepared. A good portion of the test questions were almost verbatim from THR even. I'm kicking myself now because I didn't do the Tanker or Hazmat portions and could have had those behind me now as well.
I'm off to Swift's Memphis facility next week to start the real work and get my career on the road. Thanks Brett and everyone else for your dedication to providing such a great resource. I've spent a lot of time here over the last few months and will continue to in the future.
If you're just starting out on the trucking journey, do yourself a favor and start here with The High Road.
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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How do you feel about driver facing cameras?
I appreciate the candid answers, thanks! I've seen some things about how important good hydration is to staying alert and clear minded behind the wheel.
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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How do you feel about driver facing cameras?
Well wow, this has been an eye opening thread. I'm new to the site and don't start my CDL training until next week, so my opinion is worth nil here. I will say that it actually is Swift that I am going to be with for the first 13 months of a hopefully long career in the industry and ever since I became aware of the camera issue, it's weighed on my mind a bit. Obviously I had no "intentions" to do anything that might land me in hot water with my employer, but I did have some feelings on the hot topic of privacy. Reading all of this has definitely made me feel a bit more at ease with the idea, I can't wait to get to orientation after CDL training and hearing the particulars of the system.
I have a question though and forgive me if it comes across as naive. I understand that one should not be trying to eat a meal while driving but there was a comment referring to Oreos and getting called in to discuss it. Am I to understand that there is to be NO eating or drinking, while the wheels are turning? We should be waiting for fueling times or break? I suppose I'll learn some things at school and with my trainer concerning real world situations.
You guys have built an amazing tool here with this site and I'm grateful to have access to it.
Posted: 8 years ago
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Graduated Swift Academy
So. It was an experience, let's just say that. I had some ups and downs. Last week I passed pretrip no problem and failed skills because I let the pressure get to me. But today, the 5th anniversary of my dads death, I tested out. It was an emotional day but I knuckled down and managed to get zero points on skills and minimal on the road test. Headed back to Ohio in the morning to get ready for the next phase!