Profile For William W.

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Posted:  8 years ago

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Failed Drug Test; Bad Background; Kicked out of Army

Thanks everyone for your comments. I really appreciate the advice, straightforwardness, and encouragement. Yeah, I hope to keep you all informed here, let you know if there's any progress.

Posted:  8 years ago

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Failed Drug Test; Bad Background; Kicked out of Army


I want to drive a truck.

I was kicked out of the Army September of 2010 due to my own bad choices. My DD214 (discharge paper) reads: General Under Honorable Conditions; Misconduct (Drug Abuse).

While I was still in the Army, living in Texas, between the years of 2008-09, I was arrested for assault. I plead guilty under the plea deal "Deferred Adjudication". I did a year probation successfully and I wasn't convicted of the misdemeanor. Again, later in the Army, I failed the drug test for marijuana, got kicked out.

Out of the Army, somewhere in the years of 2011-12, I get pulled over and arrested for possession of marijuana. Again, I plead guilty under the plea deal "Deferred Adjudication". I completed a year probation successfully and wasn't convicted of the misdemeanor.

So, to be clear, I have no convictions.

Later, I forget exactly when, I get pulled over for no drivers insurance, given a ticket, sent on my way.

Later, I believe around May of 2013, leaving Texas, moving to California, I get pulled over for speeding. Quite possibly exceeded 15mph, therefore considered reckless driving. In California I didn't pay fines immediately, so they revoked my license. Finally paid my fines and got my license restored August of 2014.

I regret the many choices I've made. I was a foolish idiot through and through.

Now, in California, I've held down jobs, quit the drugs, quit smoking weed, clean over 3 years now. I plan to keep it that way. Been driving good, no tickets. I just don't want to be a "rebel" anymore. I want to do right, be clean. I also want what is good, though I don't deserve what is good because of my past choices.

I've reached out to two different company-sponsored schools, seeking to receive my CDL's and training. The first company/school, upon hearing I had a possible reckless driving on my record wouldn't accept me. Understandable. The second company/school I'm still waiting to hear back from. They're looking into my Texas background. Given my background, when I hear back from them, I highly doubt it's going to be a go.

I'll contract with any school for a year or more. Not so much worried about the pay as much as getting my foot in the door; getting the experience to become a pro. I'm starting to think my chances of becoming a trucker are now slim to none...closer to none. At the same time I don't want to give up.

The next step I want to take is getting my background check from Hireright. I want to see what everyone else will see, that way I can tell them all beforehand.

So this is where I'm at. Please, any thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated. Do I stand a chance of getting in, at all???

Thank you for your time.

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