Profile For Randall B.

Randall B.'s Info

  • Location:
    Hilliard, OH

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    8 years, 2 months ago

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Posted:  2 years, 5 months ago

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Non-CDL, E-logs, Weight Stations, Ohio.

Yes, I have my CDL.

Do you currently have your CDL? Or not?

Posted:  2 years, 6 months ago

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Non-CDL, E-logs, Weight Stations, Ohio.

When I see questions like this it makes me wonder why you didn't drive to a weigh station and ask. Drive in your personal vehicle if you want and tell them the story. They aren't going to lie

Thanks for the advice I hadn't thought of do that. But, I was able to get answers from another source that does what I am doing now and any one over 10,000 pounds has to use scales in our areas unless marked otherwise. Also anyone with a GVWR over 10,000 pounds follows similar short haul exemptions as CDL Drivers. For non-CDL drivers to be exempt from recording logs you must operate within 150 air miles, Do not drive through any state that requires a CDL for the type of vehicle being driven, Report back to the same work location every day, Do not drive after the 14th hour of coming on duty in a period of seven consecutive days, Do not drive after the 16th hour of coming on duty in a period of two consecutive days.

Posted:  2 years, 6 months ago

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Non-CDL, E-logs, Weight Stations, Ohio.

Sorry PackRat,

I meant 2 Years in my reply I just noticed it said 3. Life has been crazy the last few years and I am now ready to get back to driving. The whole CRST thing was a mess due to a lot of miss information I was receiving. I was able to continue driving and eventually settled things with my non-compete clause with them. My CDL was disqualified in November of 2017 due to a back injury that prevented me from walking without collapsing randomly. It took a few months to get back to walking normally and at the point I didn't care to go back to driving. My experience is mainly from Straight trucks (Class B), but I still carry a Class A License.

Posted:  2 years, 6 months ago

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Non-CDL, E-logs, Weight Stations, Ohio.

Hey Anne,

Yes, I am 26K GVWR. I'm not a hotshot driver. Interstate with current DOT Medical Card.



Hey, Randall !!

So, you are under 26K GVWR .. yes? Running hotshot? I'm in Ohio, as well (mentioned to ya before, haha!) and am doing some searching for you. Putting 'feelers' out, if you will.

Sure would've been nice had you mentioned this, prior to the 'conundrum,' tho! LoL ~ I'm checking w/some trucker pals.

Are you intrastate only, or interstate? DOT med card still good? Asking, to pass on the info...

The more info you provide, the more I can check for ya, thanks!

~ Anne ~

Posted:  2 years, 6 months ago

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Non-CDL, E-logs, Weight Stations, Ohio.

I have 3 Years driving experience. I took a break in November of 2017 due to a back injury. I quit CRST because they wouldn't give me enough miles. I cleared up my conflict with them and continued driving for other companies, mainly local. I am at a point where I want to drive again and was offered this position out of the blue for decent pay at the moment. They are planning on getting a Class B truck here soon and that is why I took it. I am finding it hard to get information on non CDL driving jobs and that is why I reached back out to this group. I want to protect my license and make sure the company isn't going to screw me over because they don't know what they are doing when it comes to drivers.

I was wondering about how your situation with CRST ended, Randall? You were out on the road there for less than three months then quit. Now you state you've had a 5 year break, while showing up here again, now as an "Experienced Driver."

Where was this "experience" as a commercial driver attained?

Posted:  2 years, 6 months ago

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Non-CDL, E-logs, Weight Stations, Ohio.

Hey guys, I'm returning to driving after a 5-year break and have recently started a non-CDL job. I've been online searching for answers for 2 days now about E-logs and when you are required to log and if I'm supposed to scale from a non-CDL standpoint. I deliver Quartz slabs primarily in Ohio and about once a week I run to Penn. to grab slabs from our main warehouse/office there. My manger says he doesn't "THINK" I need to do these things, but I want to make sure and protect my license since I do still carry a CDL. Also, if I do need to log are there any good E-Log apps for your phone?

Thank you

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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CRST Non-Compete

Ive already contacted a bankruptcy attorney and they said the same thing about if the debt is dismissed they shouldn't be able to hold me in a non compete either way its not what I really want to do I rather just come to an agreement where I can pay it all but the debt id be getting rid of is around 85k ive been back and forth with them for about the last year and haven't got anywhere with them even if the non compete somehow still stand afterwards I wont need such a high income because I wont have to pay back the debt ive just been trying to avoid bankruptcy but at that point I can take time a search for a different career ill just have to wait and see what happens the bankruptcy hurts them more than me though my credit is already gone and it would take me longer than the ten years it has to stay on my record to get all the debt paid off at this rate

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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CRST Non-Compete

Yes it was in a commercial vehicle for landscaping either way they are being a pain about it I am willing to work with them and get it paid in full if they would work with me other wise I'm going to have to file bankruptcy because at my current income level my other bills are starting to catch up with me too and I am not having much luck in the area finding a better paying job outside the trucking industry about 75 percent of the jobs that pay more than 30,000 a year are truck driving jobs or jobs I don't have recent experience in.

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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CRST Non-Compete

Sorry just realized the messages ive been sending on my phone aren't going through but the reason why they said I cant drive for them is because I got a ticket for an improper lane change and I have to wait 3 years from that date to be able to drive for them again and this happened roughly 2 years after I left them that's why I said 5 they are wanting me to have a completely clean driving record for a length of 3 years I contacted them 6 months after I started to go back and finish contract but at that time they wanted me to wait 2 yrs to start back with them and now the 3 years for the ticket even though I had a seat belt violation when I started with then which is out of there 3 year window now so all I have is the improper lane change violation

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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CRST Non-Compete

No no felonys, bad accidents or failed drug test what I have told you is what I'm dealing with.

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