Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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The Life, Death, and Resurrection Of My Truck Driving Career
This is a really great account you put together. Oddly I stumbled upon this searching for Jack Buell Trucking on google. I used to work for the same company as you so I heard about the accident and can understand how easily it could happen with one of those Bennett Lumber loads. Amazing photos and it's great you're alright and that you were able to keep on driving.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Question about getting my CDL when I'm only 19
It really depends on what you do after school. If you get an in-state job right away and keep driving then you could find an over the road job once you are older. There are no extra tests to take. You just have to update your status as interstate with your state DMV. Be aware that many OTR companies won't hire you until you are 22 or 23. If you don't get a job right away after school you could have trouble. I've heard of people being unable to find work if 3-6 months pass after finishing driving school.
If you want to get started and know of some companies that would in-principle hire you as a 19 year-old, go for it. Otherwise it would be better to wait until you are old enough to be sure of finding a job. Also, make sure to find some class A work if possible. Even though driving a class B truck could help you gain some experience, most companies won't see it as meaning as much as experience with a tractor-trailer.