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Rookie Solo Driver
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Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Details on the Roehl agility test, please.
I just took and passed Roehl's agility test and it has changed. They now use a machine similar to a Cybex or Humac isokinetic dynamometer to measure strength, endurance, and agility. They test both legs/knees individually in flexion and extension, both arms/shoulders individually in flexion and extension, and your back and core muscles and flexibility.
You get one combined score after you test and if it's high enough, you pass. Flatbed requires a higher score than van/reefer. I don't know how the score is calculated. They didn't check pulse or blood pressure during or after the test.
They have a video of the test you have to watch before going to orientation. The recruiters may send it to you if you ask for it. Otherwise, there's lots of videos on the web that will give you an idea of what the testing entails - just search for Cybex or Humac.
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Congrats on passing the test and earning your CDL!! Good luck with the next phase. Great diary, too.
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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If I can pickup early I will be doing a reset on Sunday in the area.
Let me know if you're up for a meet and where/when. I'm closest to Monticello and anything in the area works tomorrow.
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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I can swing up to St Cloud Monday if that works. Sysco is about 2 miles from the CDL school I attended. What's a good time?
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Thanks for the info Patrick - any other tips on what to bring/not bring to orientation (Jamie sent me the list), or anything to study or prepare for? Hope to run into you sometime. Don
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Thanks G-Town & Patrick! Patrick - I have watched the obstacle course video - It looks like a good one! I've read your training diary and other responses and posts you've written about your Wolding experience and both Jamie and Ann have been great to deal with. One question I have is if Wolding has a specific pre-trip they train or follow?
It would be great to meet you as well, Patrick. If you get up my way in the next couple of weeks let me know. I'm close to Rogers, Hasty, or Clearwater on I-94 if any of those stops are on your routes. Don
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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I'm headed to H.O. Wolding for orientation June 13. If all goes well, I'll be driving in their Midwest regional fleet. So, for the next two weeks I'm busy getting hearth and home ready for my initial absence of 4 +/- weeks. It's a daunting task to prepare for such an absence when both the family and I are accustomed to my daily presence and ability to fix stuff as it breaks around the house. The thought of starting a new job, especially one with orientation and training as intense as this promises to be, does give me pause. But, I live to learn and I'm looking forward to the challenge. Thanks to everyone here for sharing their knowledge - I feel about as prepared as I can be at this point.
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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I'm enjoying a beautiful start to Memorial Day 2017 and am thinking about the freedoms we enjoy and take for granted. The freedom to decide what to do on this national holiday, where to go, whom to spend it with. The freedom to travel when and where we wish, to choose a career, to start a business, where to live. The freedom to worship as we choose. The freedom to speak freely. The freedom to choose whether or not to serve in the military. I am mindful of the sacrifices our freedom requires.
To our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen and women: thank you for your service and sacrifice. To our Gold Star families, may you find peace. To anyone who has lost a relative, a friend, a neighbor, a battle-buddy, or comrade in military service, today is their day - and today is your day.
From me and my family, may we offer a simple and wholly inadequate, "thank you."
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Semi-Truck Driver Crashes Through Doors at Moonlite Bunny Ranch
I wonder if he logged the trip? At least it doesn't sound like he ran over any HOS
Posted: 7 years, 7 months ago
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Getting Started After Cancer
Michael - I've survived two different cancers in the past ten years, the last one just under 3 years ago now and most likely the same one you're facing. I started with Roehl two months ago and they spent next to no time on the cancer in their physical, so don't let that stop you.
What I will caution you about is the potential discomfort of sitting and driving for hours, day after day, too soon after surgery. It may be 6 months - two years post-op before you'd be comfortable doing that. And, until your three-month check, you may not know if follow up treatments are required and what your monitoring plan is.
Don't let it derail your dreams, but realize it may delay them some. Best wishes as you deal with this, Michael. Don