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Rookie Solo Driver
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Posted: 5 years, 12 months ago
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2012 Freightliner Cascadia battery switch
Hi everyone.Does anyone know where to locate main battery switch on 2012 Cascadia to cut off power after shift?
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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How to check my CSA,PSP points on my DL?
Thank you
Most states bmv websites give the ability to purchase that information in a download and printable form. The fees vary but you'll be able to view everything on your driving record. Oh and just for future reference, drivers only accumulate PSP points, CSA applies to companies.
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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How to check my CSA,PSP points on my DL?
Hallo everyone.I would like to know how can I check my CDA,PSP points on my license?Thank you
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Need to start looking for new job
Hi guys.Sorry if my last topic makes you think that I’m working for NFI.Actually I never did.My problem is w my local ,small company where I started in January 2018.Owner didn’t managed company correctly and got us into financial problems.I stick around w few drivers but lost my regional run 2 weeks ago.They started to return leased trailers and management has no idea what next.I love everyone about this place including pay,run,home time,trucks,miles but it’s getting harder on everyone if there is not light at the end of a tunnel.We r trying to same this place but it’s not easy.Yea,Susan I have written warning for speeding.Learned my lesson and I’m fine ever since.So this is my reason why I’m trying to get some info about companies in my area.My next question would be:how to check CSA,PSP points on my license?I would like to come clean with new company when my time will come.Thank u everyone.Happy New Year
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Need to start looking for new job
Hallo everybody.I haven’t been here probably at least 6 months.Everything was going well with my first year in trucking.But in last few months company I’m working for start showing some financial problems.60% drivers left and few of us who stayed might be better start looking for new place of employment.Im hoping someone will give me advice,tip what would be good place to look in my area.Im from Lehigh Valley-Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton area in PA.If any of you could help me with few names of companies in this area that you are currently working or worked before and have good things to say,it would be very helpful.I know there is a lots of companies I can choose from but if there are drivers who are currently driving for some of them and have positive thing to say,please come forward and let me know.It could be any company with regional or local position.Thank you for any,every advice.
Posted: 6 years, 5 months ago
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Can you guys tell me little about this company?Experiences,benefits,miles,runs local vs regional in Lehigh Valley PA.Anything good or bad you can tell about them?
Posted: 6 years, 10 months ago
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That makes sense what you telling me.He said company for 2y and will get 30 points.So first year 30,then second 20 and 10 points last year.Will these point be completely gone?Thank u Susan D.Will sleep much better
You won't get any points on your license, but you will get PSP points. Points are triple the first year, double the 2nd year, and single the third year, then drop off. While you got PSP points, your company got CSA points which they have for 2 years.
You can order a copy of your PSP online for $10, or your company's safety department can pull it up for you. It generally takes a couple months before the damage shows up online for the report you order, and within days for the report your company can pull.
Posted: 6 years, 10 months ago
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I will find out what this paper I was given by office has on the top.Will let u know
Thank you guys.I had a phone call with company today about this problem.I was told I will get 30 points and so they will get 30 for 2 years.G-Town, you telling me loosing point each year?Something is not right here.It takes 30 years?It can’t be right.It was written warning without ticket.What is done is done,can’t take it back.I had good day today and need rest before driving home few more hours tomorrow.When and how can I get proper info about these points?Any website,number to check it after few days,weeks?Thank u guys,I appreciate
G Town says:
Get your rest. It's way more important than fretting over this
He's exactly right. I've been a member here for a while and can't even count the number of times somebody has discussed something that's been occupying their attention (ticket, minor accident) and then having an accident due to not being aware of their surroundings. Being behind the wheel requires ALL of your attention. In my job there's many days I'm exhausted, and honestly, ****ed off. I don't focus on that while I'm driving, instead I focus on what's going on around me and driving defensively. I don't want to downplay the severity of why you were pulled over but as it's been said you're lucky it was only a warning. What's done is done, focusing on it isn't going to change anything. I understand wanting to know about the points and such, but by saying you're losing rest means you're way too focused on it.
Posted: 6 years, 10 months ago
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Thank you guys.I had a phone call with company today about this problem.I was told I will get 30 points and so they will get 30 for 2 years.G-Town, you telling me loosing point each year?Something is not right here.It takes 30 years?It can’t be right.It was written warning without ticket.What is done is done,can’t take it back.I had good day today and need rest before driving home few more hours tomorrow.When and how can I get proper info about these points?Any website,number to check it after few days,weeks?Thank u guys,I appreciate
G Town says:
Get your rest. It's way more important than fretting over this
He's exactly right. I've been a member here for a while and can't even count the number of times somebody has discussed something that's been occupying their attention (ticket, minor accident) and then having an accident due to not being aware of their surroundings. Being behind the wheel requires ALL of your attention. In my job there's many days I'm exhausted, and honestly, ****ed off. I don't focus on that while I'm driving, instead I focus on what's going on around me and driving defensively. I don't want to downplay the severity of why you were pulled over but as it's been said you're lucky it was only a warning. What's done is done, focusing on it isn't going to change anything. I understand wanting to know about the points and such, but by saying you're losing rest means you're way too focused on it.
Posted: 5 years, 4 months ago
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DUI rules for truckers
Friend of mine got DUI over the weekend in his personal car.Whats next?Loosing job?Any chance to find normal trucking job?Thank you