Profile For Mary W.

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    8 years, 2 months ago

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Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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I quit Swift Transportation voluntarily but they wrote I was involuntarily fired on my DAC for safety policy

Well, Team Venture what is it you want from us?

Were you just wanting to see if we would jump right in there with you and bash on Swift?

You seem to be really big on recording folks, so maybe, just maybe you should sit back and listen to yourself once in a while.

Here, let me give you some recordings of what you just said to us...


before we proceed with the conversation he wanted to make sure I was not recording him. I have a habit of recording people I speak to for legal reasons


my mentor said I was uncooperative


I was able to prove my mentor was being unprofessional and openly racist they had no choice but to keep me on .


I was terminated for a major safety violation and I am highly un-recommended for employment.


I always had a very negative relationship with the management at Swift Transportation.


Ken at the Denver swift terminal made it very clear that he went out of his way to make me unhireable anywhere else for being a pain in his ass.


Well Sir, I'm trying to be polite when I say that you sound like the kind of driver companies would be falling all over themselves to hire you, don't you agree after looking at all the things you told us?

This is the part of your tale of woe that really got to me.


When I tried to plead with him and work something out he told me to get off his property and that if I contact him or stepped foot on another Swift Terminal I would be arrested.


Do you really expect us to believe that they would respond to you like that if you were such a wonderful employee? We have a lot of very successful Swift drivers in this forum who have never had any kind of an experience anything close to the way you make them out to be.

Here's where you really failed Swift. You decided you wanted to "plead with them and work something out" after you had already burned your bridges. The time to be working things out is from day one, and the only way you can do that is to be a productive professional who is more concerned with his own performance than he is with worrying about what you can get on a recording to back yourself up. My friend, I have never needed to record anybody in this business who is in authority over me. In fact I have garnered their respect by my performance. You have started out very poorly, and it is not a reflection upon Swift. I'm sorry to appear as being hard on you, but somebody needs to show you the way to success, because you have totally messed in your nest. It's time to get real and face some facts - you are extremely hard to work with. Your comments make it all too clear.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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The good, the bad, and the ugly about women in trucking

I have a question for everyone. I am interested in truck driving, but before I try to invest in this new career, I would like for everyone to be honest about the good, the bad, and the ugly about driving trucks. I am a former teacher and I found out that it was not for me. I even tried to go into nursing, but it had its own politics and all it did was drain my bank account and I have nothing to show for that investment. I've always liked to drive and take long trips, so being away from people would not be a problem for me. In fact, it would be something that fits me. I'm not antisocial, but when it comes to doing a job, I don't see myself socializing too much and would prefer to keep being social to a minimum. I heard that going back to school for this would cost too much money and has its own issues, but I would like to talk to people who are already in this field to tell me, if you were talking to someone, like me, who was interested, what would you tell them? I'm not asking for an easy career nor a hard one either. Also, with the CDL test, is it very hard? I looked at some practice test questions and I didn't do too bad on them considering I had no training and based my answers on what I've seen other truck drivers to while on the road. I am not here to offend anyone, but I really do need to know these things because I cannot afford to invest into something else only to repeat it in failure. :(

i have been out on the road driving for going on 40 years. I tried to retire from driving truck. I live in a very small town. With no job offerings that pay me for my potential.Driving truck, i raised my 3 kids without child support help from their dads, my 'children grew up and turn out just fine. And i train my son to drive. He is a good driver. I. Love my son. And my m/ daughters and my grandchildren. I bought me land and its paid for. I live in the wilderness in Nevada. And quite happy. In fact its a good place to get peace away from t;e hustle and bustle of lots of peop)e out here. Its a different lifestyle out here and doesnt make do for women out here as easy as anyone thinks.

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