Profile For Gary S.

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Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Thanks Trucking Truth


Hey, that's awesome Six! Congrats!!!!

No matter how confident you are that you'll pass the exams and get that CDL it's still a massive relief when you actually do it. Because all that time you're studying and learning how to drive you have it in the back of your mind that your career will be done before it even gets started without that CDL. When you get it, it's like, "Oh Thank God!!!!"



I actually had to re-take the driving test. The first time they told me to change from right to left lane. I looked and there was a vehicle in the left lane but I had plenty of room. I turned on my signal and started the lane change. The guy in the four wheeler gunned it and when the examiner looked in my mirror she said I didn't yield. I don't know what I could of done if this a hole floored it to try to get around me and closed the gap. That is an auto fail. Live and learn I guess. The second time I did great, the examiner said he would hire My only gripe is he dinged me for driving under the speed limit. I was doing 45 in a 55. I did this on purpose because of a lot of snow and ice. I thought driving for the road conditions was the smart option. I felt that empty trailer slide a few times and I wasn't a fan of that. I can't wait to get to work though.


Congrats Kip. Glad to have met you at school. I passed my test last Friday and I know what you mean about the ice and snow. During the emergency pull off, the trailer started to slide sideways on the ice. I heard the examiner didn't have anybody else do the pull off that day because of the icy conditions. Hope to be on the road soon.

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Starting school Monday Jan.6


No. I'm going to school in Toledo, Ohio


Hey! I'm in my second week at Trainco in Perrysburg (Toledo). It's a great place. See you Monday!


I'll look for you Kip. What's the chances of running into someone on TT going to the same school at the same time?

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Starting school Monday Jan.6

No. I'm going to school in Toledo, Ohio

Posted:  11 years, 2 months ago

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Starting school Monday Jan.6

I finally decided to fulfill a dream I've had since I was a kid. I worked 30 years as a construction lineman and retired. I've been retired for four years and I'm getting bored because my pension doesn't leave much after the bills are paid so I decided to start a second career and fulfill a dream. Being only 58 and in good health I have a few good years left I hope. LOL. Some of my friends think I nuts coming out of retirement, but I'm tired of just sitting around the house. I drove a line truck for 30 years and love to drive and figured why not fulfill my dream of driving OTR.

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