Profile For Mitch P.

Mitch P.'s Info

  • Location:
    Phoenix, AZ

  • Driving Status:
    Considering A Career

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    8 years, 2 months ago

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Posted:  8 years ago

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They're Coming!

New article on self driving trucks; very interesting as I would see it as a benefit during the long open road stretches. We currently have the self driving Uber SUV's here in Tempe, AZ. I see them quite a lot and they are pretty impressive; they stay back and away from bicyclists etc especially here near the University where it very congested.

I know it's probably a long way off but the Technology is coming.

Embark Self Driving Truck

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Need help finding a job!

In my searches so far looking for a company to start with; I see that Jim Palmer/Wil Trans has a very liberal pet policy (no deposit etc). I spoke to the recruiter and she indicated that you could run either West or East coasts routes. They mainly run Refeer I believe, hope this helps as my knowledge is very limited.

Stay Safe.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Introducing "The Road Home": TruckingTruth's New Podcast!

Great Podcast Brett! Very informative. Also, just want to say the site is AWESOME. It really has opened my eyes to the trucking industry and all that comes along with it. Very impressed by the professionalism that you all have!

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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From Teaching to Trucking - My Journey So Far

Congrats Teach! :)

Well done, way to "Persevere, Overcome and Adapt"! Would love to hear more of your experience with JPT; I've been in contact with them along with a couple of other company's. Best of luck and stay safe!

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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American Truck Simulator

Love both of those; I have over 100+ hours on ETS2 (Prefer the European roads etc, used to live there for 16 years)

Just saw that they are starting to integrate ATS into some of the actual Simulators; Sigma Integrale's video below shows what's being done; pretty cool.


Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Am I Crazy?

Mitch, If your Wife is behind your decision, you have a few bucks in the bank, I say Go For It. Go to a Company Sponsored School and give it a year of your life. You'll know by then if you want to pursue it further. Hey.......WHY NOT!!!

Thanks Tractor! exactly my thinking "sometimes you just have to say WTF"

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Am I Crazy?

Well you already have sitting in a chair down pat... Couldn't resist a "chair force" pun.

Rotfl....well played!

My wife is prior Navy and I sure do miss living on Guam. I even had a chance to stay and work on Anderson AFB. And during the winter it's hard to drive cause my foot is stuck pretty far up my own....

Ah Guam, been there a fair few times TDY with the snake eaters (spec ops) loved it. You do know what Guam stands for right? Lol..if you do, you'll know what I'm talking about. Thanks for the heads up on giving it a go longer than a year or so.

all the best



Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Am I Crazy?

Thank you for your kinder, gentler service, btw. My son just graduated Air Force basic in December and is heading to Lakenheath UK in April. HUA!!!!

Thank vendingdude! Your son is going to love Lakenheath! Tell him to get off base as much as possible and soak up the culture!

I definitely don't want to give up on a long time dream; I'll do some more research, life's too short not to at least give it a go.

Thanks for the info everyone!



Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Am I Crazy?

First, thanks for your service.

Now, about all those wonderful benefits at the university. I'm guessing health insurance isn't a big deal because of your military retirement, but just how "generous" is that vacation time?

Thank you Steve and thank you for your service as well. Ya, the vacation is ridiculous good (176 hours a year, plus you 88 hrs sicktime which you can accumulate as much as you want and sell it back at retirement).

The issue is that I still want to work (I don't want to be put out to pasture just yet) but I'm very very burnt out on being the "Admin Dude" lol... I don't plan on going O/O but just drive for the company. I do need the $$$$ as my Mil retirement isn't what it should be thanks to a former spouse.

Also, this might sound strange but I totally ready for a new challenge/learning opportunity. I actually miss difficult work that I had in the Military, civi life has been a difficult adjustment for me especially in my line of work, even after being retired for 12 yrs




Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Started School

I am currently an Administrative Assistant. And I don't know jack squat about this, but I'm determined!

Hi Penny,

I'm admin also! Congrats on making the leap! I'm still pondering but I do know I can't stand the Cube anymore!

Best of luck!



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