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Posted:  8 years ago

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Another CR-England Help me what did I get into question.

I'm just curious How a tanker company that hauled milk/dairy is a competitor to CR-England. I could see maybe being a competitor in a line at a fuel point. As far as I know Cr does not have any tanker trucks and is in no way shape or form Hurt from me driving with them. Working for them was unBEARable.

Posted:  8 years ago

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Another CR-England Help me what did I get into question.

It was health insurance. I was making 14 cents a mile and I spent more time sitting then driving. I understand trucks break and weather happens. I could not afford to go home. I was averaging a little under $300 a week. with the past 2 weeks of issues my buddy and I ran into H got a pay check of $80 and I got a little more. Our streak of bad luck went on for 3 months. And he didn't try ******* me he just stayed in the back of the truck and watched my little pony giggling more then my 3 year old niece does watching it. I didn't learn any thing really from him other then he gets paid A LOT to have me drive him around. We were company drivers. I just now found this website after getting back home. We started reading reviews and people in CR-england have started killing them selfs. I have no issue being out on the road and being away from the family I'm military. How ever I have had to put my car, bike and other things I own up for sale because i was going backwards on. thanks for the help man. and year my trainer was one for the books

Kinda vague - but HR lady is right - any truck driving job is a competitor.

The GOOD NEWS HERE IS - I believe CRE is one of the companies that will allow you to work for a "competitor", as long as you agree to a DEDUCTION EVERY PAY PERIOD to be sent directly to them.

Unlike CRST - who wants payment in full or GFY.

Screwing his bear doll, eh? Was it CUTE?

Most of the stuff you mention is just, well, trucking. Some of the times - you just get a streak of bad luck.

We typically recommend, unless your trainer starts trying to hump YOU instead of the bear - that you try and stick out your contractual obligation.

When you talk about getting on the truck with your buddy, and getting "insurance" - can we assume you were LEASING? Are you also dealing with a collection/contract issue from a LEASE - or just your training obligation?

Bear - that's one for the books...


Posted:  8 years ago

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Another CR-England Help me what did I get into question.

OK So my question is What does CR-England Consider a Competitor. I Decided to start off my New lifestyle and job choice with CR England. (boy did I mess up). So I started with the company and got my CDL with them. after a really bad training experience, a scary First seat "mentor" I almost lost my will to drive. I was able to get on a truck with a buddy and we tried to stay with the company but after getting insurance we started hitting every issue you can think of. from Dispatch giving us wrong dresses, poor load scheduling, and getting trucks that after their maintenance crews went over and were cleared to be road worthy left me stranded. ok ok.. I can go on all day about a trainer that had sex with his stuffed bear and my mentor that decided to pull into a car gas station and get stuck.. I got off the truck after it broke down again and went home after leaving it at a shop to get fixed. Now I quit i know i owe for training. In the contract is says something along the lines of If I start working for a competitor I will have a Class action lawsuit coming down on my head. Well I have a job offer to Drive a tanker truck for a local company. The company in no way shape or from is a competitor to CR-England. Now i called Human resources and asked for a little clarification. The lady didn't sound to sure and felt more like a scare tactic to make me stay and she said ANY JOB that uses a Class A CDL is a competitor.... So I'm not sure where to look or where to go. So any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :) thank you and PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SMACK WHO EVER YOU KNOW THINKING ABOUT WORKING FOR THIS HORRIBLE COMPANY.

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