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Considering A Career
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 8 years ago
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I got accepted to Wil-Trans today!
Congratulations man, keep us updated. I've been speaking with recruiting at Wil-Trans and they are on my top companies so far. I'll be following your updates
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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My Next Career Choice
Wow man. I'm from Cullman County also. From that little map dot called Holly Pond lol. I'll take off to Oxford TDI for my CDL on the 15th of May. In my opinion there is a lot of belly aching no matter where you go, I'm sure others will agree. I've narrowed mine down to a few with Averitt being at the top. I'm a newbie also but my advice is keep a good attitude and stay away from the complainers and hustle.