Profile For Team Venture

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    parker, AL

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    8 years, 1 month ago

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Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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I quit Swift Transportation voluntarily but they wrote I was involuntarily fired on my DAC for safety policy

I quit Swift Transportation on December 28th and left to go work for Warner on the 3rd of January. I went through the entire orientation and was about to get on the truck when they told me they were rescinding their job offer. We we're waiting for Swift to post my employment report but they were dragging their feet so we used my paychecks to verify my employment. They told me I would not be hired because my DAC that I was involuntarily terminated due to company policy violations.

I knew how to be a mistake so I contacted Swift Transportations HR department. After multiple phone calls I was not able to get ahold of anyone or have them return my calls so I decided to go to the swift terminal in Denver Colorado. I figured I worked there for 5 months so would be able to get in and talk to the operations manager ken something.

I was able to sit down with him and try to figure things out which he seemed overly eager to do. I told him that I quit from the company without notice on the 28th of December 16th. He told me that I was involuntarily fired before we proceed with the conversation he wanted to make sure I was not recording him.

I have a habit of recording people I speak to for legal reasons . Colorado is a one party consent state so you can legally record anyone without their consent and use it in the court of law . Which I have used in the past against them when they tried to terminate me while I was in training in my mentor said I was uncooperative . I was able to prove my mentor was being unprofessional and openly racist they had no choice but to keep me on .

after he saw that I turned off my phone explain that I was terminated for company policy violation 16 days before the 28th. The last load I drove was on the 21st from Albuquerque New Mexico to Denver Colorado so I guess I was still working and fired at the same time? I asked him what the company policy violation is going to be and he told me its 4 driving down the road wearing headphones and holding the steering wheel and playing with my phone. I asked him to show me a shred of evidence and you told me that he doesn't have to do anything I ask he just wanted to say it to my face. He told me that my DAC report that I was terminated for a major safety violation and I am highly un-recommended for employment.

I always had a very negative relationship with the management at Swift Transportation. a lot of it they absolutely deserve. Be it the time they refused to pay me $900 of missed pay because they switched me from OTR to shuttle, and when I went from hourly to Cent per mile I went a whole week without getting paid! They were not putting me on loads because I was not in the system yet but if I wanted the job I needed to drive the loads.or the time a female driver got mad at me for running late on a shuttle run because I had to wait for my trailer to arrive at my terminal before I could leave. When I showed up she called me a ***got millennial and walked around screaming in my ear as I unhook my trailer. I recorded that as well and reported it which they got very angry about as well.

Ken at the Denver swift terminal made it very clear that he went out of his way to make me unhireable anywhere else for being a pain in his ass. When I tried to plead with him and work something out he told me to get off his property and that if I contact him or stepped foot on another Swift Terminal I would be arrested.

I have contacted DAC to try and rectify the situation but I'm feeling pretty hopeless right now. I have talked to other truck driving companies and they want nothing to do with me based on my DAC. I have a clean criminal background check military service no moving violations and have endorsements for doubles triples Hazmat and tanker. My wife is talking about divorcing me because I cannot support the family and I don't really blame her. I've looked up the laws regarding DAC and even though they've been sued multiple times hireright and Swift Transportation for exactly these reasons it doesn't change my situation.

I'm 28 years old I've talked to a friend who said I could become a police officer but it's a minimum year-and-a-half application process before I can even look at a paycheck...

I have very little faith that DAC will actually change anything about my situation and that I'm going to continue to down spiral so I have no use for my CDL and my family has no more use for me...

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