Cleveland, OH
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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Starting a new career and life. Going OTR is somewhat of a new adventure for me as a lot of my family are OTR drivers. I used to use CB's when I was a kid traveling back in the 80's (fun times). I've heard CB's are not as much fun so with that being said, trucking truth it is. I hope and wish the best to all that are new and I'll look for all the old school for pointers along the way.
Posted: 7 years, 12 months ago
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I received mine on the 21st and I have orientation coming up on the 7th.
I just earned my CDL on 2-23-17. One of the best days of my life. Spent 4 weeks at Southwest Truck Driver Training in Phoenix Az. Got a 100% on walk around. 100% on backing (straight, off side left and parallel) and only got 10 points on the driving test! Accomplished #1 on my bucket list. Feeling pretty proud of myself!
Posted: 7 years, 12 months ago
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Need Help!!!
I would just be supportive and helpful in more ways than one. The comfort of a woman, the easeness of her voice and spirit will help tremendously. Not to mention when he had downtime you both can Skype or video chat with one another, having your "personal time," while he's away!
Hope that was helpful