Profile For Janet M.

Janet M.'s Info

  • Location:
    Las Vegas, NV

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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    8 years, 1 month ago

Janet M.'s Bio

Currently using site to use CDL training materials to help prepare myself and get a head start. Once I am comfortable with the training materials I will apply to company sponsored schools as this is my best financial option. My biggest concern with this is passing the DOT physical and second biggest concern is I have not had a job in 10+ years.

I want to do CDL-A and am willing to relocate. I do have desire to leave Las Vegas and move elsewhere. Passing thru Vegas per work is ok. I have ruled out flatbeds. I prefer not to have to load/unload product.

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Posted:  8 years ago

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Pay confusion - How much will I make as a new driver?


I still prefer regional or dedicated though if i can get it


I would focus on dry van companies then. Flatbed you won't want and refrigerated carriers are predominantly OTR routes that get you home every few weeks or so. Dry van companies tend to have a good variety of dedicated and regional divisions. Some of them you will need some experience to qualify for, but many of the opportunities are available to students straight out of school.

Here is some great information on choosing a company:

Thanks Brett. Right now the 2 schools i'm looking at the hardest are: (1) Swift (2) Prime In that order

Thank you for the dry van recommendation I'll take that advice.thank-you.gif

Posted:  8 years ago

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Pay confusion - How much will I make as a new driver?


do they expect the ladies to handle the same amount of weight as the men?


The actual DOT physical itself does not have any "physical aptitude" tests like moving or lifting weights, walking underneath a bar to simulate walking under a trailer, or anything of that sort. However, there are a lot of companies, especially flatbed companies, that will do their own physical testing to make sure drivers can handle the physical strain. You will be able to ask companies when applying whether or not they do any physical stress tests like that.

But if a company does do that sort of testing they will almost certainly do the same tests for both men and women because everyone must be able to handle the minimum physical requirements of the job.

Thanks Brett

Posted:  8 years ago

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Pay confusion - How much will I make as a new driver?


Is it reasonable to gross $2400/mo on regional or dedicated routes?


Oh it certainly is. And to be clear, because a lot of people confuse this, "gross" earnings are earnings before anything is taken out like taxes and insurance. So yes, you can certainly gross $2,400/month running regional or dedicated routes. It might start a little slow in the beginning, but you can expect to gross $35,000 - $40,000 your first year.


OTR may not work well because I need to be able to get my medications when I need to


I think 3/4 of the trucking industry is on medications. That situation can be resolved pretty easily. You shouldn't have to avoid OTR for something like that.

Yes I know the difference between gross vs net. As far as the OTR and meds go, it's good to know. I still prefer regional or dedicated though if i can get it

Posted:  8 years ago

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Pay confusion - How much will I make as a new driver?

Hey Janet. Steve has some good numbers right there.

Here's an article I wrote that I believe is exactly what you're looking for:

Rookie Drivers: Time Management Tips And Mileage Goals

Hey Brett thanks for this link it's a help. i have a question just for you: When it comes to the DOT and/or company physicals do they expect the ladies to handle the same amount of weight as the men? There is NO WAY I can push, pull, lift etc an excessive amount of weight. If I could not do 50 pounds when younger, I sure can't do it now. That's why I'm looking for as much drop & hook as I can.

Posted:  8 years ago

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Pay confusion - How much will I make as a new driver?

Is it reasonable to expect to gross $2400/mo pretty easy? I chose this amount because I double my current monthly check. I prefer regional or dedicated where i can get home more. OTR may not work well because I need to be able to get my medications when I need to. Is it reasonable to gross $2400/mo on regional or dedicated routes?

Posted:  8 years ago

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Pay confusion - How much will I make as a new driver?

I am trying to figure out how much money in dollars I would reasonably expect a paycheck to be. How many miles could I reasonably expect to drive during a week or month? How do pay cycles tend to be weekly, bi-weekly or every two weeks? I am not counting any bonus money just work time. For example: If I drove 2000 miles @ 0.34cpm I gross $680.00 How long would it reasonably take to go the 2000 miles?

If any of this is unclear feel free to ask me. I hope this is not confusing.

Posted:  8 years ago

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Rollover vs jackknife

Below better be the asphalt. If not you are having a VERY bad day. ;)

Just trying to inject some levity.

Oh i hear you on that one! NO ****!! LOL rofl-3.gifthank-you.gif

Posted:  8 years ago

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Rollover vs jackknife

Thanks guys, most helpful thank-you-2.gifthank-you.gifsmile.gif

Posted:  8 years ago

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Rollover vs jackknife

What's the difference between a rollover vs jackknife? Is one worse than the other? (Yes, I know both are bad.)

Posted:  8 years ago

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Why do you need a CB?


This is why. This accident happened yesterday on 70 at the Ohio/Indiana border. Traffic was stopped for another accident, this driver was still running 60mph right into the back of the stopped flatbed. The driver of the Swift truck died, the impact was so hard that it broke the kingpin on the flatbed driving the trailer into the truck and knocking the cab off the frame.

Get a cb, use it and pay attention while driving. This should never happen.

OMG!! So sad. Good chance Swift driver was killed instantly on impact from looks of his cab. Do all trucks come w/ CB or are we to buy our own? Does the schools teach you how to use it?shocked.pngshocked.pngwtf.gifwtf.gif

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