Profile For BK

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    Madison, WI

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BK's Bio

I'm a 69 year old (as of 10/21) single male. Retired from a 49 year construction career and getting into driving because I've always been interested in professional driving and seeing the country.


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Posted:  5 months, 3 weeks ago

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What NOT to eat. Nutrition on the road.

….. They generally advocate meat and eggs as the main diet beneficial for most people. However, your. Recommendation of strictly meet and eggs is oversimplified. Nutrition is not one size fits all.

Your silly question about vegetables, exposes your ignorance. You bring God into your argument, and you really blundered with doing that. If you were to read Genesis chapter 9, you would know that mankind was vegetarian from creation to the flood. Only after the flood did God allow the eating of animal flesh. God’s only prohibition was that the blood not be consumed. Mankind was created to survive and thrive on vegetables, fruit and nuts, not meat. Your argument about vegetables being poison is nonsense.

It’s great that you are healthy and such an incredible physical specimen. You’re boasting and self aggrandizement are our equally, which is a common aspect of your know it all comments. When people such as yourself, have to boast about themselves and how incredible they are and also put other people down, it makes me wonder what insecurities and inadequacies they are compensating for.

And you mention Dr. Jordan Peterson. I have followed him for years and have a tremendous amount of respect for Dr. Peterson. You, sir, are no Jordan Peterson. He would be appalled by your bombastic and caustic manner. You obviously have not read much of his philosophy or you just choose to ignore what he says about dealing with people and exulting yourself.

Your abrasive personality has caused a number of valuable commentators to quit your forum. In doing what damage you do, you soil your own nest. What a pity.

I know I’m not the only one to see how you elevate yourself and diminish others on a regular basis. I don’t know if anyone else has the balls to speak up about this, but I’m tired of your megalomania.

Posted:  5 months, 3 weeks ago

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What NOT to eat. Nutrition on the road.

Many of the most profound truths in life, including nutrition and fitness, are so simple that people dismiss them entirely. In fact, they won't even try them to see if they're legit.


Both he and her are Nutritionists


I wish people would stop listening to "experts" and try things for themselves. That is how you will discover the truth. If these so-called experts really knew anything helpful, our society wouldn't be fat, sick, and depressed while our quality of life and length of life steadily decreases.

What these "experts" do best is convince us of their importance. The truth is, we don't need them at all. Most of their "knowledge" is manipulation designed to sell products and services.

The answer to nutrition is this simple - meat and eggs. That's it. If you focus 95% of your diet on meat and eggs, you'll be in the best health of your life, without exception.

I only use vegetables for seasoning, except once a week I have a salad before my steak at the restaurant on Friday nights. Vegetables are not good for you. Breads, grains, pasta, and starches are not good for you.

Meat and eggs (including fish) are good for you.

I have been a carnivore for years now. I eat meat (including fish), eggs, and some dairy. I'm 53, and as a lifelong athlete, I'm in incredible shape. I've been a mountain athlete throughout these years, consistently putting in ridiculous workouts 5 or 6 days a week. I'm in the best shape of my life. I have absolutely no health issues, and I take no supplements other than drinking electrolytes. I do not take vitamins, drink protein shakes, take creatine (popular with bodybuilders), or anything else.

I simply eat a huge pile of meat and eggs every day.

This is where it gets even better. I only eat 6 meals per week. I eat dinner every day except Monday. I eat dinner on Sunday night and don't eat again until Tuesday night. I do not eat snacks or anything else in between dinners. I fast 23 hours a day, eat once a day. That's it.

When I tell people how I eat, they think I'm insane. When they see me at the gym or in the mountains, they certainly don't question the results.

I'm going to post two videos. One is Dr Jordan Peterson, one is Dr Shawn Baker. If you care about your health, find the time to watch these.

I realize most people will scoff at my methods. It saddens me to watch people make themselves weak, fat, sick, and depressed following "experts" instead of discovering this simple truth for themselves. You owe it to yourself to take a serious look at this.

What if I'm right? Your whole life will improve dramatically forever. If I'm wrong? No harm done. You have nothing to lose.

Brett, that was quite an unjustified diatribe against my friends who generously and kindly helped me during my knee replacement and recovery. You insinuate that they are not experts in their field and even question their motives as mercenary and unethical. You do this without knowing these people their qualifications, experience and how they treat the people they help.

They extended a great undeserved kindness to me, free of cost, and with no expectation of repayment. My rapid recovery demonstrates that they have a great knowledge of nutrition and healing. Knowing them personally for many years, I know I am not the only person that they have helped significantly. For you to denigrate and disparage people like this makes you appear arrogant and petty. It would be the same if they questioned your qualifications as an expert in the trucking profession.

Ironically, they promote nutrition by generally advocating, the same thing that you do. Yet you assume, wrongly, that you are the expert in the field. (Continued)-

Posted:  6 months, 1 week ago

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Davy, I’m headed to Texas tomorrow morning and will be going by Cedar Rapids and then to Des Moines. Am I too late to catch you?

Posted:  6 months, 1 week ago

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This is my current career plan to break into the trucking trade. Any suggestions?

Wow, Paul, your plan is very unusual. But I can’t criticize it because I know nothing about your circumstances.

What I can say is that your first year earnings will probably be in the 40 to 50 grand (gross) range. I drove my first 8 months and could have made more at McDonalds if I worked the same hours. However, I got paid for learning. Last year, my 3rd year, I grossed 90 grand, but I drove lots of miles. I started dry van and switched to refrigerated, which has proved to be a good move. If you want more physical work, you can try flatbed. Dry van is very depressed right now.

Posted:  6 months, 1 week ago

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Some basic driving questions

Matt, I think you are making a good decision to go with auto. It is so easy and you slow down with the service break and the Jake break. I’ve driven auto for 3 years and never once used the manual mode. Just keep extra stopping and following distance and you will really like auto. Conservative driving is the key, don’t be focused on the number of miles you want to drive. You may want to get 600 miles per day, but be satisfied with 500 if that is what keeps you safe.

Posted:  6 months, 1 week ago

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A little girl made my week

Dennis, that is awesome, thanks for sharing. What is better than that? I love it when that happens.

Posted:  6 months, 1 week ago

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What NOT to eat. Nutrition on the road.

Hey brett, need to ask you something.

It's going to be a month or two before I begin trucking school, but I noticed that the company I'm going to train for will provide trucks with small refrigerators in them. If I boil like a dozen eggs, put them in a ziplock bag, and get a package of plain jerky sticks along with some cheese sticks and basically have that as my diet, along with mostly gatorade zero and only coffee in the morning, would that be a good diet to have if I want to do OTR work and lose weight?

Would there be anything I should add or subtract to that if I want to have the kind of energy level where I'm alert and awake while driving for 12+ hours at a time?

Paul, you are on the right path. Learn to read labels. Anything that has poly unsaturated fats DON’T eat. Trans fats are poison. Saturated fats are good. Eat chicken or beef, stay away from pork and fish. Eggs are great. Gatorade is better than soda, but water or carbonated water with lemon or Stevia is better. Don’t use sugar, use Stevia for sweetness. Don’t eat any bread and keep the carbs to a minimum.

Dill pickles will keep you alert, but read the label. Some pickles are made with alum, a derivative of aluminum. Don’t get these pickles, aluminum is bad. Again, learn to read labels.

Posted:  6 months, 1 week ago

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I see you are in Missouri. I’m coming your way. Where are you exactly? Ay e our paths will cross.

Posted:  6 months, 1 week ago

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A good (terrible?) reminder to ALWAYS check your latch

I know that many companies will treat a dropped trailer as an automatic termination. My first company, Schneider, had that policy. If that happens to you, good luck finding another job in this trucking economy. Just another reminder to be vigilant.

Posted:  6 months, 1 week ago

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Shifting and maneuver practice in a school only?

Jessica, you “plan “ to pass it on the first try? I hope you do. You seem like a very confident person. Let us know how you do.

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