Profile For Tracey K.

Tracey K.'s Info

  • Location:
    Newnan, GA

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    11 years, 7 months ago

Tracey K.'s Bio

Just a "Old Trucker" who is getting back on the road again after many years of other worldly experiences. Papa God has blessed me in many ways and I can only praise Him each day. I will be 54 years old very soon and can say that being a trucker was a dream of mine as a child. When I turned 21 I went to school and hit the road. I can still remember as a child talking to 'Truckers' on the CB Radio, ( My handle was the "Popcorn Kid"). It was an old Solid State from Sears. I had shimmied up a large pine tree in the back yard taking my antenna and cable wire with me. I felt like I was on top of the world. After about a year on the radio, one night I was talking to a trucker and he began to cry. He was missing his own son at home and he said I made him feel better. I told him where I lived and he said he would come see me some day. Sure enough that Christmas he showed up at the house 'Bob-tailing' and my mother freaked out! (smile) She didn't know that I had befriended so many truckers. I had a list of truckers I would talk to,(A full page of notebook paper) and I spoke with them every night and on weekends too. Well, the driver had a "Hess Tanker Truck" for me that he had bought up the road as a Christmas present. That was the coolest gift I believe I had ever gotten. From then on I knew one day I would be a trucker too. Here I am many years later and I just want to be back in a truck again. Even when I was not in it over the years my heart and spirit was. Every time I saw a truck my heart just 'pinged' I believe a TrueTrucker is the salt of the earth. Life hands us 'Shipping Papers" and we carry the load! My prayers are for all the truckers on the road today and the future truckers who "Will Carry The Load". God Bless Us All !

A Recovered and Surviving drug addict and alcoholic! It can be done. Never, Never Give Up!

Hauling Containers these days. Short haul in the southeast. Hauled logs for a while. Did LTL. I just love driving. God blesses me all the time. While you're on the road and " alone" listen for Him. He will bless you too.

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Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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The sad realization of my CDL school

Wow! Just read the thread. Biggest concern is that I don't see that they are Certified Licensing Instructors. Your road test should be done there and not at DMV. If I misread and they do then this is my advice. Tell them you ARE passing the road test or else.

You have worked too hard.

Getting the CDL is most important. Training with a company trainer will get you time behind the wheel. Get what I am saying?

If still not satisfied and you fail road test. Report them to the Transportation Manager of your State D.O.T. . This kind of school does not deserve to be part of the trucking industry.

God Speed

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Old Trucker Has Returned

Tracey, calling yourself old is a bit of an understatement. But we'll go ahead and keep it old. Good to see you back old friend. I sent you a PM.

Hope you are doing well. Good to be back. Proud of you.

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Old Trucker Has Returned

I know its not easy. But never give up. What a blessing to know you are still at it. In a new area myself now. Hauling containers. Kinda fun though. All are in my prayers and thoughts. Always have been. Here if you need me.

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Old Trucker Has Returned

Hello to All,

Daniel it looks that you have stayed true to the profession. Proud of you and all that you have accomplished. Hauling containers in the Southeast now. Just can't stay out of a truck. Once it's in your blood its there forever. Hey Brett glad to know you are still with it. These guys need your help more than they know. 60 is just around the corner. And I pray I am in a truck the day I die.

God speed.

Traveling mercies to you all.

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Doing all my research and studying for the exam

Man what a good company. They work hard, but get paid well. It is a very well run company. Their stock has done well. They were down just a small amount last week. But, most trucking companies were because of the storms. They average very well in the $35.00 to $40.00 mark.

But, they have some good management as well. benefits......


Good luck. Hope we still see ya around

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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What a blessing. Sounds awesome.

I like StarCar's comment. Work hard. Show them how much you appreciate what they are doing for you. Too many people these days have no gratitude for the jobs that they have.

Good Luck Heavy C. I know you wanted this. I remember the earlier post. "Good things do come to those......"

Keep us posted.

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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My Truck Driving Mentors

OK. I have been watching with delight at all the responses, so let me chime in with my few words.

Brett, we talked about "Knights Of The Road" a while back and think that would be a great name for the mentor program. But, I think we have all missed out that we are already mentors and of those that are on here more than myself, have been doing an excellent job at being mentors. To mentor is to; teach, give advice to those who are less experienced and or younger. (Daniel is one hell of a mentor at his young age) And that is what all of your have been doing. The Moderators are already mentors. I know that what you are looking for is something more, but you can't get any more that what you are giving. You just want to do it in a different way.

Well, that's where some of your moderators graduate to becoming mentors and move to another forum. One that is by membership/password only. The question will be more serious and life changing to some degree. Brett you would have to create another forum. And then look at selecting some new moderators. Its a step process. To be a mentor you would have to prove yourself worthy of being a mentor. For to be a mentor is a great honor and huge responsibility. These are other truck drivers lives your are shaping. We have some GREAT people here who will make wonderful mentors. Everyone of your moderators now are what you are looking for. As time goes by more moderators will become mentors and that will solve the problem of ratio.

You will also have to be selected as a new driver to be in the mentor program. This does not in any way suggest that some of the new drivers are not honorable people. Don't twist what I am saying. Everything we do in life is a process. We evolve into what we are or do. That is what this needs to be to be successful. The general forum would still be there for the new moderators to moderate and mentors would be coming in as an even higher source of involvement. Just as you have done with GuyJax. Their is a reason he has the level of moderatorship that he has.

Mentors and Mentee's can exchange phone numbers and emails if they wish. The forum would be a place for them to go though so that others can see what each other is dealing with. Yes, their are some private words and times in peoples lives, but not everything. Openness is a path to learning. Subjects that take place in the Mentor forum could be posted as articles with the permission of those involved.

I know I need to go further with this concept and idea, but I am late for work now. I had to put something down because I have been thinking so much about it.

I just wanted you guys to know that you were already great Mentors and I am honored to be a part of this Website.

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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And ya'll thought we were all nothin but rednecks!

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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My Truck Driving Mentors

Looks like things are really cooking around here Brett.

Mentor-ship is a great idea. Have to put some good rules and policies in place. But it would work great.

I get emails too and love getting them. Some have been life changing. That's what this is all about. Helping others.

"Knights Of The Road"............It's what you wanted Brett!confused.gif

Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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CDL + all endorsements... passed!

No fingerprints! You wouldn't happen to be one of those trucker spy's from another country or "world" trying to figure out what's going on here at

Gotta be careful Brett. You know how those "OTHER" websites are.

Good Job!good-luck.gif

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