Can you give us more info how your friends acomplished this task
I would like to follow their path , also wondering what happened to the thread starter , was he successful ?
Daniel, since you have someone who will assist in your licensing and training, go a step further and see if they will sponsor you.
With a sponsor, you should have no problems at that point except for a possible waiting period that employers will want to see regarding your license, safe driving habits and such. With a sponsor, you can also start a citizenship application (I think your home country allows for dual citizenship).
I've met and know a few drivers and friends from eastern European countries and they've done it but it takes a bit of time and paperwork. (Moldova, Bosnians, Serbs and Russian )
Posted: 8 years, 1 month ago
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How to become a truck driver if you are not from USA
Hi Robert,
Can you give us more info how your friends acomplished this task I would like to follow their path , also wondering what happened to the thread starter , was he successful ?