Profile For Forest J.

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Posted:  11 years, 6 months ago

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I am considering a career change to truck driving, but I can't make up my mind.

Do you have a friend or relative in trucking? If so, ask if you can be a passenger on their truck. See how it is for yourself. Other than that its all chance. I will say though that the average person coming into the industry is usually very excited and knows he wants to do it. The fact that you're doubting yourself and unsure if its what you want does worry me a bit.

This is great advice, talk to some people and if you can do a ride along to get an idea. If this is really what you want to do then really check out the companies (as someone already suggested) then pull the trigger. You are young and now is the time to take a year or so and check things out. Also, keep in mind that there are places besides actual Trucking Companies that hire plenty of drivers (OTR and Local.) Do that research mentioned and see what turns up.

Here is one to get you started - --now that I think about it, large companies not dedicated only to trucking might give you a perspective on some options. For instance, the Walmart link I just gave you has openings in several areas that involve driving (not just the stereotypical hauling people think of as "trucking.")

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