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Posted:  8 years ago

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Interested in truck driving

Despite what some have said here, there is options for Type 1 Diabetes. I my self have been researching it as well! As long as you can prove you've had no more than ONE (1x) episode of losing consciousness in LAST 5 years (1826 days counting 1 leap year extra day) and NONE in the last year (365 days), you can be qualified IF you have a doctor note, accounted with an application for exemption. Still, all this needs to be submitted to the DOT ME (medical examiner) and he has final approval. I believe, if I read it correctly, the FMCSA also has some say! All the details can be provided here... read it carefully though, as it has A LOT of detail! Good luck!

Posted:  8 years ago

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A couple questions for the guys at Swift

Good read! I'm newly "returning" to truck driving! I HOPE! I drove once for 6 months in 2008! Actually, TBH, it was less than that! I round it up! I went out of town to UT, trained with CR England. I was told going in I would be home intime for my than wife's pregnancy giving birth to our #2 child, but our first son. She was nearing end of 2nd trimester when I left for trucking. She was expecting a full term, healthy delivery, which she got. I was expected to be home for a whole week, a week before his due date. It played out differently. For my first time in the industry, though I drove for other NON CDL positions prior to that, I passed the CDL training with ease. I impressed my driver trainers through the road training and test. I made it look easy compared to the others I was in class with. I was eager and excited. It seemed when I got the final passing grade, the back office took it for granted, as if they wanted to see how far they can push me! They gave me option than... I could wait 2-3 days for a trainer who could dedicate more of his time to train me? Or they have a trainer available for me in few hours, who expected to take vacation in 2-3 days, and I'd either be sitting with him in his home town for 2 days, or change drivers. I wasn't thinking, I thought it was better to get started ASAP... I didn't consider how long his break would be. 5 days later, we were sitting in FL for 2 days, cause they had no drivers available to take me when he was taking off. When training continued, we ended up in the CR:E Indiana Terminal, and they changed my Driver trainer for what ever reason. I needed more training I think. After getting on new truck with next trainer, we ended back up in UT CR:E Terminal. I had under 200 miles left to finish my Training requirement. The Driver I was with was next assigned a longer route, like 800 or 1000 miles. So they changed my orders for Trainer again, one final training drive, running to CA, for about 200-300 more mi. Once I finished my OTR Training, than they wanted me back in UT terminal to finalise my training, assign my truck, etc. My 2 week training turned out to be 3 weeks atleast with all the changes. Only supposed to have one Driver Trainer, I had 3, one of which took 2 days off while I was force to take 2 days off. Anyway, despite doing well with the training at the training yard in UT for 2-3 weeks, i had a bad start with CR:E. Mainly, cause I made it home to see my than wife and new born son 2 days after he was born, which was 2 days early. I missed the birth of my son. All this happened between July and Aug of 2008!

It didn't get much better. After back on road, I drove for 2 weeks, home time a few days. Than I drove for 7.5 weeks straight, as my Driver Mgr kept giving runs though near my home town, not going in that direction, and constantly would tell me the same "Your the only operator in that area, and we need this run done, please do this one, and I will get you home after"... only to hear the same thing again after the run! The company promised the home time to be 1 day for every week driving, given once a month. I'll repeat again, I drove for 7.5 weeks without seeing home. My final run? A drop off in SD, CA in Nov 03 of 2008! My DM knowing I wanted to be home by the 4th for voting! My DM knew I been out for over a month without my home time, despite what co promised, still would not let me take a loaded run from SD to my home city/valley, Phx AZ. After my load was finished in SD, only 4-5 hours on my shift of driving, by 5pm that day, he would not give me an order before end of his business day. He expected I'd sit all night and he promised orders in the morning! I counted it all as lies! I rested for couple hour nap in SD, and by 8pm no orders come in on the After hours dispatch. I made conscious decision and left SD area, empty trailer, and drove less than 6 hours, making it home by early morning on the 4th. Of course, he wasn't happy next day. I expected a write up, or reprimand. He ordered me to return truck to Knight Transportation by end of day, or he was having the local police after me! Screwed? I'd say so.

Needless to say, it didn't go well. However, I wasn't sure what else to do at the time. I didn't have a laptop than, nor any way of getting to know a community of drivers like TT. I met some at truck stops along the way, even some with CR:E. I had many tell me I got a raw, sour, bitter deal dealt. Others told me the obvious "Suck it up, it's truck driving" speel. The typical "it is what it is" response. After leaving, I tried looking for other opportunities. I had my CDL. I had some exp. I been trained. Nothing opened up! 2008 was near the bottom of our economic slide, finding another trucking job seemed impossible.

I moved on. I done other work sense than. Some independent. Some for other employers. My than wife and I struggled in our relationship. It all seemed to gone down hill sense I come back. She blamed me all the time for never being home when I was driving. Than she blamed me for being stubborn and losing my job. None the less, not more than two years passed, she left. Without the kids. After a nasty, dirty, vengeful 3.5 year divorce proceeding in court, the decree was finalized. Now? 2-3 years later, I have been through few jobs, moved many times, still wondering what I wanna do with my life! I only have kids 50% time. Half a week every other week.

I'm in hiring for Swift! Hoping to get back on road driving!

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