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Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Not sure i was made for trucking

Really appreciate the responses, I needed to hear that it would get easier. There really is no talking about it, I pulled him aside the other morning to apologize for a mistake I had made. I said "hey man about last night I'm really sorry " he turned and walked away before I could say more. He's not a "talk it through" kinda guy. He says if something goes wrong or there is yelling just have to get past it tomorrow is a fresh day. So.... I asked him how fast my truck would go, and he said about 63 or so. I replied "yeah the thing is I have a lot to learn, shifting in low gears, watching my mirrors and the trailer. It all makes me tense and I'm not going to worry about driving faster than I will be able to drive in my truck."

Things are still more tense than they need to be but much better. I really don't think he is intentionally making it stressful it's just his way. A week to go before I go test for cdl. I need to decide if I continue training with him after that.

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Not sure i was made for trucking

First week of prime student driving. From the first day my instructor has seemed irritated by my mistakes. The general attitude is that I should have known. He is also irritated by any questions that I ask; either I should have known or the question is not relevant. When I make a mistake he sometimes freaks out, which causes more mistakes and then more freak outs. He keeps saying things like “if you make it to tnt “. The result is that I don't ask questions. I have found myself in “keep trainer happy” mode. When studying the pretrip, I watch videos on it so I can see where the parts are. I don't think he is self aware. He would probably be surprised by this description of my training. I CAN get through this and it will be in the rear view mirror. However I do get a bit down and question my capabilities. I focus on shifting in low gears correctly but then I'm getting screamed at “watch the load”. When I get behind the seat I'm so nervous before I have turned the key. It makes me nervous going down Hills faster than 60. He goes 70 and wants me to also. I'm working on shifting in low gears. I'm also focusing on trailer awareness. I layed in bed this morning wondering if this was all a big mistake. Do these things get more comfortable? Or is it weird to have these problems and I'm just not trucking material? thanks to miss miyoshi for sharing your journey, it's been very helpful for me.

Posted:  7 years, 12 months ago

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I'm Done.

LOL grats man! soak it in smile.gif

Posted:  7 years, 12 months ago

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Identifying obstacles and making plans to overcome them

Thanks G-town. I am pretty nervous about training and I think I was trying to swallow three months at one time :) Appreciate the advise.

Posted:  7 years, 12 months ago

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Got accepted by Prime for Training

Grats jack! I'll be in springfield on the 3'rd, different terminals but we are still starting together!


Posted:  7 years, 12 months ago

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Identifying obstacles and making plans to overcome them

I'm leaving this Saturday for training @ prime. So.. its upon me! Everyone says that training is grueling and you will likely feel like quitting at some point. In short, you just have to get through it and then you will be ok.

I've been giving some thought to different obstacles I will likely face and how to overcome them. No different than if you go on a diet, you know what your own pitfalls will likely be. You will clean your cabinets of all your non approved food items and maybe have some quick "i don't wanna screw up" snacks available.

Feel free to add your own obstacles "it may not pertain to only training, but everyday" and solutions.

Feeling overwhelmed "i'm in over my head!" -- Look around, you are not alone

Homesick -- I'm doing this to make things better at home

Tired and needed a shower two days ago -- Wash up "wet wipes!" and walk towards the light at the end of the tunnel

I hate being the "new guy" -- I am the new guy!, don't let your ego steal this learning experience

I'm really not getting along with my trainer -- How I feel now is temporary, what I learn is forever

Posted:  8 years ago

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Trainee From H3LL (Ranting...)

Oh....... Well this is much worse than I concluded after your first post. Now I just feel bad for you. Bet you can't wait to be solo for a bit sorry.gif

Posted:  8 years ago

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Thats awesome transporter :)

I'm glad your doing well all things considered. Keep on keeping on.

Posted:  8 years ago

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Trainee From H3LL (Ranting...)

New company drivers in training : Do yourself and your trainer a favor. Be interested in anything and everything they want to teach you. Speak up, ask lots of questions.

This is actually a great point. I'm getting ready to head to training, so it's been foremost on mind over the last several days. I think mental preparation is a good thing. I've read many many articles on this site about what to bring and what kinds of things to expect. Trucker Mike had a couple great articles on making yourself useful and being engaged in learning etc... You definitely need to realise that you are a guest in someone else's truck. Part of being a good guest isn't just being helpful in action but being a good guest in conversation. Its a difficult situation for the trainee as well as the trainer. Just like on a first date, if you leave the other person to carry the conversation... don't expect a second date!

Posted:  8 years ago

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Just a funny trucking picture to brighten your day

Here is one that a friend of mine did where he congratulated me on my new career. He does editorial cartoons for a trucking trade publication and this was the most recent one. Look at the eye chart!


That's so cool! I had seen it before but would have never caught your name on the eye chart. smile.gif

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