Profile For Sneaky Pete

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Posted:  8 years ago

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Podcast 10: Terminal Rats Are Derailing Trucking Careers

I know I'm repeating what I previously put up in another post as well as what Brett, G-Town and several others have stated in many different ways, but I think it's important and can't be stressed enough, especially to new drivers: Attitude determines outcome. For the most part anyway.?ui=2&ik=b099ae2cd9&view=att&th=15af2900

Posted:  8 years ago

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Best companies for home time

Check out Roehl. They have great hometime plans. Depends how much money you need to make, but a friend of mine is on the 14/7 plan currently. Out 14 days then home for a week, not a bad deal and he makes in the mid 40s. Roehl has several hometime options.

Posted:  8 years ago

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This is something I have had taped to my clipboard since I started a little over 5 years ago. I still read it occasionally when I'm having an attitude problem. (and since I'm from New Jersey, well...) When I first started and experienced the frustrations that all new drivers do while on that steep learning curve, I would read this pretty much every day just to remind me that how the day/week/career turns out is really up to me. Doing that along with a few deep breaths would often help give me a fresh perspective. You might also remember it and use it as an antidote when you get near those terminal rats Brett talked about in his recent podcast. Believe in yourself!?ui=2&ik=b099ae2cd9&view=att&th=15af2900

Posted:  8 years ago

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Advice needed badly

What G-Town said Liam. This has been taped to my clipboard since I started. It's a little worn and faded but the words are as true as ever. During the first several months I read it almost every day just to remind me and to keep things in perspective. Best of luck to you!


Posted:  8 years ago

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Game: Most shocking aspect of trucker life?

"The "fragrance" of the truck parking area at truck stops. (I know, ladies, it's a guy thing.)"

And can I just add, particularly in the summertime!

Posted:  8 years ago

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Accepted at Knight!!

Congratulations and good luck!! Tons of information on this sight that will answer all of your questions, even the ones you haven't thought of yet!

Posted:  8 years ago

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Making Life decisions over here!

Steve L. mentioned looking into beverage companies and supermarkets, maybe starting as a warehouse worker. That might be a great idea for you. I currently live in the northeast but want to eventually move to Sarasota. I checked in to Publix. They don't hire drivers directly, they promote from within. You start as a warehouse worker and progress from there. From what I read, it is an 8-10 year process to get to driver. BUT, they pay for your training when the time comes, you have a job with benefits while you're learning, you can stay local with your son, and you have a company that offers many other options besides driving. If getting out on the road is your main goal, that won't work for you, but if you're goal is to find a way to provide for and spend time with your son and driving is just something that you may or may not eventually be interested in, this might help. I don't know what they pay or what the benefits are, but I believe that Forbes has them ranked in Top 100 companies to work for. Can't be too bad and probably worth checking in to. Good luck!

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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SWIFT bronze, silver, gold mileage increase

Great info and reminders for all drivers OS. Thanks for the post.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Graduated Swift Academy

Congratulations and good luck with your new career!! It's a steep learning curve, but be patient and stick with it, it's well worth the effort!!

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Dash cam?

Thanks Pianoman, those are all of the same reasons on my list of pros. KDLinks X1 is the same camera I was looking at too, got great reviews and I think only around $150. I guess for a onetime fee, that's cheap peace of mind/insurance!

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