Auburn, AL
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Sweet Jimmy's Journey through school
How did you get the state to pay for it? Im in Gadsden Al. and am trying to find a way to get in school soon.
Posted: 8 years ago
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Ive been reading that companies are fairly strict on your previous employment. Mine has gaps where ive been self employed or worked for other contractors on a temporary basis and I dont recall the dates or information of when or who ive worked for. I havent filed taxes in several years. I have a perfect driving record and no felonies ever. That being said will that keep me from being accepted into Primes or any other driver training program?
Posted: 5 years ago
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Will a Recent misdemeanor affect finding a job
Before I went to trucking school I got pulled over and a great guy with me shoved a pipe under the seat. They found it didn't make a big deal about it but said to call them the next day. I assume they were fishing for information on drug dealers. I didn't call them and months or a year later I went to CDL school got my CDL and drove accident free for one year. I quit to go home and take care of some things then planned on doing flatbed. I'm driving down the road and get pulled over and told I had a warrant for my arrest for drug paraphernalia. Now this I originally had it in my vehicle at least 3 years ago and never heard anything else of it. I went to court last week and they tried to put it off and wanted me to attend some classes for 6months to a year. So I pled guilty to be done with it. I haven't lived in that town for nearly two years. It's a misdemeanor my lawyer wanted to take it to trial but said I'd face 6 months in jail if convicted. I won't risk 6 months in jail for nothing. Will this keep me from getting a job now? The only thing else I've ever been arrested for was public intoxication 10-12 years ago and a few times for child support.